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La presente Ley, que consta de 5 capítulos, 16 artículos y 1 disposición final, entiende por suelo no urbanizable aquel que figura clasificado como tal en los planes generales o normas subsidiarias y, en defecto del plan, aquellas áreas del territorio que no reúnan las condiciones objetivas para…


Plant protection and soil conservation stations are part of the national administration. They are established in each county and in the capital and are supervised by the Minister of Agriculture through a specialized division of the Ministry. They carry out all the duties regarding plant…


Incentives in the form of grants are available for measures which aim at prevention or reduction of erosion of the soil of arable land. The projects shall be planned and executed in cooperation with the Norwegian Water and Energy Company. Plans shall be designed by the Company or others to be…


The maximum rates of payments per hectare to be made by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food pursuant to an agreement including requirements regarding agricultural practices, methods and operation made under section 18 (3) of the Agriculture Act 1986 are adjusted downwards. Also…


Ces arrêtés portent respectivement création d'un comité technique paritaire central au Conservatoire de l'espace littoral et des rivages lacustres et fixent les modalités de la consultation du personnel pour la désignation des représentants du personnel au comité.

International Conventions or Treaties

No tribe or person established on one side of the boundary shall be allowed to hunt or farm on the lands of the other side; but such operations as the cutting of thatch or sticks for the building of huts and fishing in the streams adjacent to the boundary shall be permitted where such rights…


The scope of this Act is to give more autonomy to the Cadastre and Public Registers Department. Article 2 provides for the establishment of Cadastre and Public Registers Agency which shall be responsible for the keeping and administration of Public Registers pursuant to provisions of the…


Based on the assessment of the present environmental degradation caused by the inadequacy of the purification systems, and of the data collected through an official census on the water pollution of the country, the special plan aims at the achievement of the following objectives: (a)…


The scope of this Act is to improve the living standards and the opportunity of earning of reindeer breeders. The Act provides them with the possibility to acquire or to exchange lands which may be used for the purposes indicated in Act 590/69 and in the Act relative to Agricultural Production…


This Regulation implements parts of the Reindeer Management Act whose scope is to improve the living standards and the opportunity of earning of reindeer breeders. Chapter 2 concerns the acquisition of land and the use of acquired land in accordance with the Disposition Plan and directions of…


This Act specifies the rights and responsibilities of the Republic of Macedonia, legal entities and persons, in the providing of pre-requisites for environment and nature protection and promotion, with the purpose of implementing the right of citizens to healthy environment.
Repealed by:…


This Decree allows the County Agricultural Councils to delegate matters relating to redistribution of land up to a certain size and the preparation of land regulation plans pursuant to sections of the Land Reform Act to the County Agricultural Chief or the Forestry Chief and allows the…