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The Regulations are amended so as to provide certain exceptions on the obligation to low-emission use of organic manure or other organic fertilizing substances so as to extend the period of use which prevents or limits soil erosion. This Regulation also extends the period in every year in which…


Regulation made under the fertilizing Substances Act. The Regulation makes provision for a system of reporting on and registration of production of organic fertilizer. Yearly communication of production date shall be made by producers to the District Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture (art. 2…


Decree regulating the rent for the lease of agricultural land. The Decree seeks to re-establish a balance between interests of the lessee and those of the lessor. Owners of agricultural land who give the land in lease may obtain a net gain of 2 percent of the free market value of land free of…


These rules form part of the privatization programme of State-owned lands and aim to restore (at least partially) landownership as it was before nationalization. Rules regarding land redistribution commissions (in Article 4(1) of Law No. IL of 1992, on certain questions pertaining to investment…


La presente Ley persigue los siguientes objetivos, en primer lugar, la regulación del patrimonio agrario de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón para evitar que las tierras una vez transformadas y adjudicadas puedan acumularse en unos pocos propietarios; en segundo lugar, trata de subsanar las…


This Act establishes re-location procedures for people who have been evicted from shantytowns.


In compliance with Decree-Law 218/94 of 20 August, this Order establishes technical rules to be followed in order to carry out planning of coastal areas. This Ministerial Decree deals with the morphological aspects of coastal areas, specifying the aspects to be examined in the planning process…


This Resolution delimits the agricultural land in the Benquerença region. It lays down the geographical co-ordinates of these lands, specifying the purposes of such delimitation. A map of the area is annexed to the text.


El Estatuto de Autonomía de Castilla-La Mancha reconoce a la Junta de Comunidades competencia exclusiva en materia de agricultura y ganadería. Más concretamente, las atribuciones legislativas de la Junta se extienden a los espacios naturales protegidos, al régimen de las zonas de montaña, al…


This Decree-Law seeks to reprivatize land expropriated in the areas subject to past agrarian reform and assigned to small farmers or cooperatives for cropping. With due regard to the agricultural land redistribution policy, the Decree-Law grants the same categories of beneficiaries full…


This Decree implements the Law on Privatization of 1992, further detailing certain competencies and duties of the Government in the privatization process and repealing obsolete land tenure laws.
Implements: Law on Privatisation of 1991. (1991-07-04)


This Law determines tenure regimes and property relations in the Republic of Moldova. Property rights may be exercised on land, undergroundwaters, flora and fauna, immovables, equipment, elements of "spiritual and material culture", money, securities as well as on intellectual property…