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This Act concerns land resources in Romania and consists of 9 Chapters; General provisions (1); Establishment of private property right to land (2); Provisions regarding state owned land (3); Legal distribution of the land (IV); Land usage for agricultural and forestry production (V); Temporary…


These Amendments concern the Law on the Ownership and Use of Farmland. The Law regulates the ownership and use of agricultural lands. Agricultural lands may be the property of citizens, state, townships and juridical persons. Foreign juridical persons and foreign citizens may acquire use rights…


This Law concerns the use of agricultural farmland in Bulgaria. Agricultural land shall be the property of citizens, the State, municipalities, cooperative enterprises and other legal persons. Political parties and other bodies with a political aim shall, foreign countries, foreign legal persons…


This Ordinance establishes rules for the creation and functioning of associations of water users and defines the rights and obligations of such non-profit legal entities and their members.The text consists of 41 articles which are divided into 8 Chapters: General provisions (I); Establishment of…


Les dépendances du domaine public maritime situées hors des limites administratives des ports peuvent faire l'objet de concessions d'utilisation en vue de leur affectation à l'usage du public, à un service public ou à une opération d'intérêt général. Les biens ainsi concédés…


This Decree-Law, composed of 25 articles, revises the legal regime of Regional Territorial Plans (PROT) with the aim of a correct territorial order matching at the same time local and national interests. In particular, it defines the competences of the Ministry for Planning and Territorial…


Ce décret modifie certaines dispositions du Code de l'urbanisme relatives aux documents d'urbanisme, et notamment au schéma de cohérence territoriale, qui comprend un rapport de présentation, un projet d'aménagement et de développement durable et un document d'orientations…


Regulation 3 clarifies the definition of waste in regulation 2 of the principal Regulations. For the purposes of the principal Regulations "waste" is to be defined by reference to the definition of waste in Council Directive 75/442/EEC on waste and shall include any substance or…


This Federal Law regulates relationship originating from the process of professional activity of architects as regards the creation of architectural objects for the purpose of providing for safe, ecologically pure, socially and spiritually valuable environment for vital activity of individual…


This Executive Order concerns the execution of certain regulations of the law on land use management and expropriation of real estate in Poland. The Order consists of 7 Chapters; General provisions (1); Sale or release for perpetual usufruct of real estate owned by the state treasury or by a…


The Chief of the Department of the Protection of Soil and Land Resources orders to the subordinate divisions of the Department and territorial branches of the Ministry to follow directions of the Regulation on the modalities of carrying out state control over the use and the protection of land.…

The first deputy minister of State Tax Service elucidates that calculation of taxes of sale of the plots of land or shares of the plots carried out by physical persons to enterprises, departments and organizations is done by the latter while in case of sale of the plots of land to the physical…