Face à la dégradation continue de la situation sécuritaire, les gouvernements des pays sahéliens et ouest-africains, les institutions d’intégration régionale et les partenaires de coopération se sont employés à intensifier les réponses collectives et multiformes qui visent à garantir le maintien…
Cette note de synthèse reprend les présentations et les débats qui ont nourri le séminaire régional sur la gestion foncière locale en Afrique de l’Ouest et à Madagascar, orga- nisé du 6 au 10 mars 2023 à Saint-Louis du Sénégal, à l’initiative du Comité technique « Foncier &…
Urban planners are entrusted with the power to make critically important, long-term decisions that determine the future development of cities and towns around the world. The decisions they take shape the urban environment and directly affect the lives and livelihoods of entire communities.…
A titulação da terra tem sido vista como meio de garantia da posse segura deste recurso por parte dos indivíduos, nomeadamente dos camponeses. Nessa linha, a maioria das reformas enfatizam a necessidade de se ter cidadãos com terra legalizada.
Este texto mostra que, se por um lado, a não…
The Support to Responsible Agricultural Investments (S2RAI) Project promotes internationally recognized principles and guidelines to ensure food and land tenure security for communities in the context of large-scale commercial land investment as well as strengthen the institutional…
O presente artigo parte da experiência de delimitação de terras comunitárias, em Cóbuè, província do Niassa, para analisar a interface entre as lideranças tradicionais e os sistemas costumeiros de terras, em Moçambique, enquadrando os debates sobre terra e território, posse e propriedade da…
This paper considers the foundations of contemporary African urban economies and how these intersect with the evolution of urban politics, carving a route through a wide range of existing literatures relevant to the politics and political economy of African urban development. It considers the…
This report assesses the costs and effectiveness of responsible investment practices in emerging market contexts. Its results make the business case for investments in social risk mitigation and avoidance practices. Such practices include community engagement efforts, impact assessments and the…
Trends in urbanization and urban food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have stimulated critical debates around the potential benefits of urban agriculture (UA) to urban livelihoods. Some scholars suggest that UA can contribute to the food quantity, food quality and income needs of…
Face aux enjeux liés à la gouvernance foncière, plusieurs initiatives de cartographie participative ont été menées, au Bénin et ailleurs en Afrique. Une initiative de ce type est d’autant plus indispensable au Bénin, sachant que les limites des villages n’ont pas encore de reconnaissance…
A busca por recursos naturais sobressai nas investidas interna- cionais de alguns países, sendo a China uma das melhores ilustrações. Motiva a política externa chinesa, assim orientada, o abastecimento principalmente de matérias primas energéticas e de produtos agrícolas. Para as áreas…
Understanding the dynamics of agricultural expansion, their drivers, and interactions is critical for biodiversity conservation, ecosystem-services provision, and the future sustainability of agricultural development in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). However, there is limited understanding of the…