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Nature-Based Solutions for agricultural water management and food security

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2018
Southern Africa
South Africa
United States of America

Agriculture influences and shapes the world’s ecosystems, but not always in a positive way. More than 2.5 billion people are globally involved as stewards of land and water ecosystems that constitute the natural resource base for feeding the current and future world population. Yet, conventional agronomic interventions based on ‘hard’ agricultural engineering compromise various eco-services that are required for sustainable agricultural development.

Can strategic spatial planning contribute to land degradation reduction in urban regions? State of
the art and future research

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2018

Land degradation is becoming a serious environmental issue threatening fertile agricultural soils and other natural resources. There are many driving forces behind land degradation. The expansion of artificial surfaces due to various economic activities, such as housing, industry, and transport infrastructure, known as soil sealing, constitutes one of the most intensive forms of land degradation in urban regions. Measures to halt and reverse land degradation require both strong land-use management policies, as well as effective spatial planning mechanisms.

Community Approaches to Sustainable Land Management and Agroecology Practices

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2018
Southern Africa
South Africa

As of 2017, SGP has awarded over 3,800 small grants to land degradation projects in over 120 countries, many of which are in regions with extreme levels of poverty and food insecurity across Africa and Latin America. Africa, in particular, is experiencing the highest population growth of the developing world, while being exposed and vulnerable to the rising impact from climate change.

Profil national genre des secteurs de l’agriculture et du développement rural

Reports & Research
November, 2018

Ce Profil national genre des secteurs de l’agriculture et du développement rural au Sénégal a été conjointement préparé par la FAO et la Commission de la CEDEAO, Département du Genre et des Affaires Sociales dans le cadre de leur Projet de Coopération Technique intitulé: “La Réponse Genre aux Plans Régionaux et Nationaux d’Investissement Agricole pour relever le Défi Faim Zéro dans les pays membres de la CEDEAO”.

Gender, agriculture and rural development in Georgia

Reports & Research
November, 2018

FAO is committed to reducing gender inequalities through its interventions, and this gender assessment has been produced as part of its broader efforts to generate evidence and knowledge in compliance with its Policy on Gender Equality. This assessment highlights the challenges, gaps and practices in the area of gender and agriculture and rural development in Georgia that need to be considered by policy-makers and project managers in their decision-making and their implementation of development interventions. The main gender inequalities in Georgia are reiterated in this assessment.

Small Family Farms Country Factsheet

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2018

Tanzania is a low-income country in Eastern Africa with a population reaching nearly 56 million inhabitants. Agriculture remains a cornerstone of the
economy, providing 31 percent to GDP and contributing 24.9 percent of annual export earnings, in particular through the main export crops cashew,
tobacco, sugar, coffee and cotton. Tanzania records a continuous agricultural sector growth and is considered largely self-sufficient in its main staple

Stimuler les sols africains

Institutional & promotional materials
November, 2018

Ce livret donne un aperçu de la question relative aux pratiques de la gestion des sols en Afrique. Il présente de manière succinte les 12-Résolutions “Déclaration d’Abuja sur les engrais pour la Révolution Verte Africaine” adoptée en 2006 et contextualise l’adoption en 2014 par le 23ème Sommet de l’Union africaine de la Déclaration de Malabo sur la Croissance et la Transformation accélérées de l’agriculture en Afrique pour une prospérité partagée et de meilleures conditions de vie qui a réaffirm é que l’agriculture devrait rester au premier plan de l’agenda de développement du continent.

Safe Access to Fuel and Energy Briefing Note: Contributing to sustaining peace

Institutional & promotional materials
November, 2018

Efforts to ensure sustainable peace can help to support access to safe, reliable and affordable energy in the long term. Energy access in turn can help to reduce conflict due to specific food security and livelihood benefits, such as the ability to safely cook food and carry out income-generating activities. An in-depth analysis of context-specific conflict drivers is a necessary first step in working towards sustainable peace.

Assessment and planning of the Toronto City Region Food System - Synthesis report

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2018
United States of America

More than 80 percent Canadians live in cities with almost one-quarter of country’s total population living in the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) area. The GGH stretches in a curve around the western side of Lake Ontario with the City of Toronto occupying the northern side of the horseshoe. The GGH is an area of high potential food production as well as rapid population growth creating a mix of difficult to reconcile, opposing demands. For example, the need for housing and residential infrastructure conflicts directly with the need to preserve prime agricultural lands.

Climate change and potential impacts on agriculture in Bhutan: a discussion of pertinent issues

Peer-reviewed publication
October, 2018

Background: The Himalayan country of Bhutan is typically an agrarian country with about 57% of the people depending on agriculture. However, farming has been constrained by the mountainous topography and rapid changes in environmental variabilities. With climate change, agricultural production and food security is likely to face one of the biggest challenges of the twenty-first century.

Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
October, 2018

Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) and FAO have partnered since the country joined the Organization in 1971. FAO assistance has covered the

formulation and implementation of food security and nutrition policies, including risk reduction and management strategies,

and activities to increase agricultural productivity. More recently, cooperation has included a focus on market access and

agricultural competiveness, with support to smallholders’ transition from subsistence to commercial agriculture. Emphasis is

Земельные ресурсы и продовольственная безопасность Центральной Азии и Закавказья - Land resources and food security of Central Asia and Southern Caucasus

Journal Articles & Books
October, 2018
Syrian Arab Republic

This book is aimed at finding answers to questions about what the current situation with soil resources in the region of Central Asia and Southern Caucasus as related to food security, and how we can improve the food supply through the impact on the soil. The book consists of three parts. The first part is devoted to common issues of food security and sustainable development, and to the role of soil resources in their maintenance. The second part is about land resources, the assessment of their degradation and successful practices of their recovery.