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Heritage Property Act (S.S. 1979-80, c. H-2.2).

Northern America

The purpose of the present Act is to provide for the preservation, interpretation and development of certain aspects of heritage property in Saskatchewan. Section 5 decrees that the Minister may establish a board to be known as the Saskatchewan Heritage Advisory Board which shall advise and make recommendations to the Minister on any matter relating to the conservation, protection and preservation of heritage property in the Province. Section 6 rules that the Saskatchewan Heritage Property Review Board is established.

Wills Act, 1975.


This Act regulates various matters relating to deeds of heritage. Property which may be disposed of by will is defined in section 3. Other matters covered are: wills of minors; form of will; manner of revocation of will, alteration in a will after execution; revival of revoked will; general devise of land to include leasehold as well as freehold land; devise of real estate without any words of limitation; execution of wills made abroad.

Samoa Act 1921.

New Zealand

This Act concerns the government of Samoa. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Act, or in any rule of law, or in any lease, it shall not be lawful for any person to distrain for rent. The only other provision of this Act concerns legal capacity and status of married women.

Ley Nº 27.118 - Ley de reparación histórica de la agricultura familiar para la construcción de una nueva ruralidad en la Argentina.

South America

Por la presente Ley se declara de interés público la agricultura familiar, campesina e indígena por su contribución a la seguridad y soberanía alimentaria del pueblo, y por practicar y promover sistemas de vida y de producción que preservan la biodiversidad y procesos sostenibles de transformación productiva.

Administration Act 1975.


This Act makes provision for the administration of estates of deceased persons and the distribution of intestate estates. The estates of deceased persons shall be administered by an administrator appointed by the Supreme Court.

Act No. CXXII of 2013 concerning agricultural and forestry land trade.

Eastern Europe

This Act lays down rules regarding the acquisition of property rights of agricultural and forestry lands, the institution of usufruct right on such lands, the use of land, the control on restrictions relative to the acquisition of land, and rules regarding local land commissions. This Act applies to all land in the national territory.

Conveyancing and Law of Property Act (Cap. 56:01).

Trinidad and Tobago

This Act provides rules relative to sale and other transactions concerning land. It also concerns (statutory) mortgages, easements and selected matters regarding leases. The Act requires contracts for sale etc. to be in writing. All conveyances of land or of any interest therein are void for the purpose of conveying or creating a legal estate unless made by deed. The Act specifies covenants that may be included in a deed. Mortgaged land may be leased by mortgagee or mortgagor for agricultural or mining purposes. As for mortgages the Act specifies procedures for execution.

Loi n° 034-2012/AN du 02 juillet 2012 portant réorganisation agraire et foncière au Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

La présente loi détermine d’une part, le statut des terres du domaine foncier national, les principes généraux qui régissent l'aménagement et le développement durable du territoire, la gestion des ressources foncières et des autres ressources naturelles ainsi que la réglementation des droits réels immobiliers et d’autre part, les orientations d’une politique agraire.Cette loi comprend 358 articles repartis en 9 titres, notamment les dispositions générales (Titre I); domaine foncier national (Titre II); aménagement et développement durable du territoire (Titre III); gestion du domaine foncie

Ley de fomento y desarrollo de los derechos y cultura de las comunidades y pueblos indígenas del Estado de Morelos.

Central America

La presente Ley reconoce y protege los derechos de los Pueblos y Comunidades Indígenas originarios y no originarios del Estado de Morelos, las comunidades que comparten tradición cultura indígena con algunos pueblos identificados como tales y que se encuentran asentados en el territorio morelense, así como a indígenas de otros Estados que se encuentren de paso o radiquen de manera temporal o permanente en esta entidad y que han conformado comunidades permanentes en el territorio del Estado. El Título Cuarto de la Ley (arts.

Loi n° 2013-001du 14 janvier 2013 portant code foncier et domanial en République du Bénin.

Western Africa

Le présent code comprend 543 articles répartis en 10 titres, à savoir: Dispositions générales (Titre I); De la propriété (Titre II); De la protection et de la reconnaissance administrative du droit de propriété (Titre III); Des atteintes au droit de propriété (Titre IV); Du domaine immobilier de l’Etat et des collectivités territoriales (Titre V); Des dispositions relatives aux terres rurales et coutumières (Titre VI); De la preuve et du contentieux foncier (Titre VII); Du cadre institutionnel de gestion du domaine et du foncier (Titre VIII); Des infractions et des sanctions (Titre IX); Des

Deceased Persons Estates' Administration (Cap. 12:01).

South America

This Act provides for administration of land and other property of deceased persons.The Act sets out procedures for the lodgement of wills and other procedures upon the death of the owner of an estate and the appointment of an administrator by Court. The administrator shall administrate the estate in accordance with provisions of this Act. The Act also provides with respect to execution of judgements and custody of estates pending probate and letters of administration.