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10th anniversary of the CFS VGGT

12 October 2022
Dr. Paolo Groppo

Once again International Development organizations (World Bank, IFAD, FAO, USAID, GIZ and others) came together to discuss the Voluntary Guidelines, which were approved in May2012. An indisputable success of this was to have also associated the largest peasant movement, La Via Campesina, which from the day of approval enthusiastically applauded this process.

Data Compatibility in Linking Land Degradation and Tenure Security

11 October 2022
Daniel Hayward

In the Three Rivers gazetted forest of northern Benin, the start of the agricultural season is a frequent hotspot of conflict between local communities and forest officials. 

It is at this moment when demands are made for forest fees giving permission for residents to cultivate fields or graze their livestock. Yet this is exactly when farmers experience a financial squeeze in preparing their land and obtaining inputs to start the new season.

The Voluntary Guidelines: A Data Deficit?

04 October 2022
Daniel Hayward
This data story scrutinises some of the impacts of the VGGT. It highlights available data on how the VGGTs have been used, how associated project work incorporates the guidelines, and whether implementation has resulted in tangible change in the security of land tenure for communities around the world.

Scaling – Definition, strategies and challenges to inform a learning agenda

07 September 2022
Gemma Betsema

Scaling is at the heart of both the name as well as the strategy of LAND-at-scale (LAS). Scaling and scaling potential are key in the way the program was designed and is reflected in the three pillars chosen to realize the aim of the program. The first pillar is about scaling successful initiatives and projects; the second pillar focuses on land governance innovations with scaling potential; and the third pillar covers knowledge management, with a focus on gaining a deeper understanding on the conditions required to make scaling successful.

No Climate Transition Without Securing Land Rights

02 June 2022
Alexander Müller

The 15th session of the Conference of Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), is taking place in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire, from 9 to 20 May 2022. The theme: “Land, Life. Legacy: From scarcity to prosperity.” “We are faced with a crucial choice,” Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed told participants: “We can either reap the benefits of land restoration now or continue on the disastrous path that has led us to the triple planetary crisis of climate, biodiversity and pollution”

What’s Love Got to do With It? The Voluntary Guidelines on Tenure, Ten Years Later

14 January 2022
Dr. Gregory Myers
Dr. Jolyne Sanjak

Almost ten years ago, global donors who were focused on the role of land and property rights in promoting economic growth, mitigating food insecurity, and addressing climate change issues, came together in a United Nations (UN) body to negotiate an international agreement for voluntary guidelines to strengthen and secure land rights.

Interview with Javier Molina Cruz: Taking the VGGT to the Next Level

26 October 2021
Javier Molina Cruz

Over the past nine years, the project on Supporting Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) has helped countries make political commitments towards the eradication of hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition, with the explicit outcome of increasing awareness among decision makers, development partners, and society at large regarding access to natural resources. The Food a