Organizing for transformation? How and why organizers plan their multi-stakeholder forums
Key Messages and Recommendations
• Combating desertification and land degradation while mitigating the effects of drought can secure long-term socio-economic benefits for people living in drylands and reduce their vulnerability to climate change.
• Land degradation neutrality (LDN) is an approach that counterbalances the expected loss of productive land with the recovery of degraded areas.
• Land tenure insecurity, especially for women, often prevents farmers from adopting sustainable land management practices
Environment statistics enumerate various aspects of the environment and human interactions with it. The scope of environment statistics encompasses all dimensions of the environment, be it Earth, Water or Air, the biotic and abiotiv matter found within the natural environment, and various concerns arising out of impacts of human footprints on it. The objective of environment statistics is to provide information about the environment, its changes over time and across locations, and the main factors that influence them.
Landscapes of West Africa, A Window on a Changing World presents a vivid picture of the changing natural environment of West Africa. Using images collected by satellites orbiting hundreds of miles above the Earth, a story of four decades of accelerating environmental change is told. Widely varied landscapes — some changing and some unchanged — are revealing the interdependence and interactions between the people of West Africa and the land that sustains them.
The paper provides the analysis of improving the land reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors examine the main development stages of land ownership relations, during which the work has been performed to transform agricultural enterprises, privatize land and change the land use. The main legal acts, intended to regulate the issues of land ownership and territorial organization and creating conditions for the development of the land market, are shown.
Agricultural activities are directly dependent on the availability and quality of natural resources, particularly land and water. While the availability of land has featured strongly in South Africa’s growth and transformation policy agendas, this piece focusses on presenting a more detailed view of the quantity and quality of South Africa’s land resource, and how this impacts the agricultural use and viability of land resources in sustaining South Africa growth objectives.
Over the past half-century, the risk of urban flooding in Dar es Salaam has increased due to changes in land cover coupled with climatic changes. This paper aimed to quantify the impacts of climate and land-cover changes on the magnitudes and frequencies of flood runoffs in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A calibrated and validated SWAT rainfall-runoff model was used to generate flood hydrographs for the period 1969–2050 using historical rainfall data and projected rainfall based on the CORDEX-Africa regional climate model.
Most of the cities and urban centres of developing nations, Tanzania inclusive are faced with increased urbanization coupled with informal land development in non-designated areas including marginal and hazardous lands. This paper reports the findings of a study undertaken to assess the processes of land development and the associated impacts in Msasani Bonde la Mpunga, a, flood prone area in the City of Dar es Salaam.
La région Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima située au nord-ouest du Maroc a connu, dans des dernières décennies, différents travaux d’aménagement de territoire qui ont eu, certainement, un impact sur le paysage et l’écosystème de la région. La région a accueilli des infrastructures de grandes tailles telles que le port Tanger Med installé au bord du détroit Gibraltar, la ligne de train à grande vitesse reliant Tanger à Casablanca, réseaux routiers, barrages…etc. L’objectif de cet article est de cartographier les changements du paysage de la région via l’analyse diachronique de l’occupation du sol.
Climate change issues are contemporary global phenomena which affect the largest part of the world in different ways. This paper explores how local communities living in sensitive ecological areas, particularly in river valleys, respond to and adapt to climate change. By employing a qualitative research approach, findings have indicated that heavy rainfall and prolonged droughts coupled with population increase have led to land use changes and loss of biodiversity in the river valley.