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Displaying 133 - 144 of 195

Landscape Preference for Trees Outside Forests along an Urban–Rural–Natural Gradient

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2019

In densely populated areas, essential sources of ecosystem services are represented by green infrastructure, which includes trees outside forests (TOF) that, regardless of their cover extension, are found on agricultural or urban land. This research aims to assess landscape preference for TOF along an urban-rural-natural gradient in relation to different levels of landscape heterogeneity. Analyses are based on the integration of a visual choice experiment (360 respondents) with a GIS-based landscape analysis at regional scale in a Mediterranean region in Central Italy.

A Case Study Balancing Predetermined Targets and Real-World Constraints to Guide Optimum Urban Tree Canopy Cover for Perth, Western Australia

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2019

Trees in urban settings are becoming increasingly important as mediators to emerging challenges that transect social, environmental, and economic factors. Trees provide shade; absorb and store atmospheric carbon and other pollutants; reduce local temperature fluctuations; provide essential inner-city fauna habitat; assist in reducing over-land stormwater flow; provide amenity; and provide many more social, environmental, and economic benefits.

Exploring the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Carbon Storage in Different Development Scenarios in Foshan, China

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2021

Carbon storage (CS) is strongly associated with climate change and ecosystem services. Herein, taking Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China as the study object, analysis was performed upon the potential impacts of the urban–rural relationship of CS by combining the Integrated Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs (InVEST) and the Patch Generation Land-use Simulation (PLUS) models. Based on three different development plans under regional policies, land-use/ land-cover (LULC) changes in Foshan City in 2035 were simulated.

An Extended Unit Restriction Model with Environmental Considerations for Forest Harvesting

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2022

This paper addresses a forest harvesting problem with adjacency constraints, including additional environmental constraints to protect wildlife habitats and minimize infrastructure deployment costs. To this end, we propose an integer programming model to include those considerations during the optimization of the harvest regime of a Mexican forest. The model considered was based on the Unit Restriction Model, a benchmark approach that merges the management units before the optimization process.

Urbanization Imprint on Soil Bacterial Communities in Forests and Grasslands

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2022

Urbanization alters land uses and creates heterogeneous environmental conditions in cities and their surroundings, which may directly or indirectly impact soil microorganisms. However, how urbanization affects soil bacterial diversity and community composition, particularly in different land use types, remains largely unknown. In this study, we collected 36 soil samples (18 forest and 18 grass soils) along a rural-suburban-urban gradient in Chang-Zhu-Tan agglomeration.

Photosynthetic and Antioxidant Responses of Gymnocarpos przewalskii to Simulated Rainfall Changes

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2022

Gymnocarpos przewalskii is a rare Tertiary relict species, mainly distributed in desert areas of northwestern China. Changes in rainfall have a significant impact on the physiological characteristics of desert plants. In the present study, the effects of five simulated rainfall levels on the gas exchange parameters, chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics, and antioxidant system of G. przewalskii were studied. The results show that with increased rainfall the net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and transpiration rate increase significantly.

Spatio-Temporal Evolution and Driving Factors of Landscape Pattern in a Typical Hilly Area in Southern China: A Case Study of Yujiang District, Jiangxi Province

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2022

As the most intuitive manifestation of land use/land cover change, the spatio-temporal evolution of landscape patterns has significant implications for optimizing regional landscape pattern and land use management. Based on multi-period remote sensing data, we selected an optimal scale (570 m) and used the geographic detector model to analyze the spatio-temporal changes in the landscape pattern of a typical hilly area (Yujiang District, Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province) in southern China.

Can Africa Serve Europe with Hydrogen Energy from Its Renewables?—Assessing the Economics of Shipping Hydrogen and Hydrogen Carriers to Europe from Different Parts of the Continent

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2022

There exists no single optimal way for transporting hydrogen and other hydrogen carriers from one port to the other globally. Its delivery depends on several factors such as the quantity, distance, economics, and the availability of the required infrastructure for its transportation. Europe has a strategy to invest in the production of green hydrogen in Africa to meet its needs.

Can Africa Serve Europe with Hydrogen Energy from Its Renewables?—Assessing the Economics of Shipping Hydrogen and Hydrogen Carriers to Europe from Different Parts of the Continent

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2022

There exists no single optimal way for transporting hydrogen and other hydrogen carriers from one port to the other globally. Its delivery depends on several factors such as the quantity, distance, economics, and the availability of the required infrastructure for its transportation. Europe has a strategy to invest in the production of green hydrogen in Africa to meet its needs.

Geo-governance of peri-urban land conflicts in Yamoussoukro (Côte d'Ivoire)

Peer-reviewed publication
April, 2020
Côte d'Ivoire

This article aims to help the governance of peri-urban land conflicts from an approach focused on the control of urban sprawl, which is the paramount characteristic of Yamoussoukro, the political Capital City of Côte d'Ivoire. The study starts with a prospective approach to this phenomenon to identify prospects for a sustainable conflict resolution. It therefore comes within the framework of the quest for a spatial cohesion to lead to social cohesion that is today undermined by a rampant urbanization.

L’accès au foncier urbain Régulations entre usages, fonctions et acteurs

Peer-reviewed publication
April, 2018

Today, the demographic and economic dynamics stimulate an increasing competition for the access to the urban land. The multiplication of needs and logics of use of this non-reproducible resource activates, more than ever, the question of the regulation of the access to the land and questions the modalities of distribution of property rights between the various actors.


Peer-reviewed publication
November, 2018

As the urban land use plan is a tool for urban land governance, this paper explores customers’ expectations that the service providers have not considered as the quality during urban land use plan preparation in Amhara Region - Northern Ethiopia. The study was conducted on 90 urban areas of the Amhara regional state who made the formal complaint against the quality of their urban plan in the year of 2017/18 (2010 Ethiopian calendar). Data were collected by means of the survey using questionnaires and document review.