Formalization of the collective rights of native communities in Peru:
A brief on the formalization of the collective rights of native communities in Peru from the perspective of implementing officials
A brief on the formalization of the collective rights of native communities in Peru from the perspective of implementing officials
The African Land Policy Centre (ALPC), a joint initiative of the African Union Commission (AUC), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), and the African Development Bank (AfDB) biennially convenes the only African, multi-stakeholder conference on land policy in Africa. The Conference complements existing initiatives such as the annual World Bank Land and Poverty Conference, among others.
Le Centre africain pour les politiques foncières, qui procède d’une initiative conjointe de la Commission de l’Union africaine (CUA), de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) et de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD), organise tous les deux ans la seule conférence africaine multipartite sur les politiques foncières en Afrique. La conférence vient compléter d’autres initiatives en place telles que la Conférence annuelle de la Banque mondiale sur la terre et la pauvreté, notamment.
This paper provides an overview of the supply chains and flows that run from the mines of northern Mozambique and Malawi, to the international trade hubs of Sri Lanka and Thailand. Analysis of the political and economic environment in which mining and trading take place gives a contextual understanding of gemstone flows both within and out of the region as well as the various actors involved.
In 2021, the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission in the Gambia, which enjoys a 90 per cent public approval rating, according to a 2021 survey, completed its three-year mandate. It submitted a 17-volume final report to the President in November 2021, which was made public on 24 December. During its tenure, the Commission held 23 public hearings and received more than 2,500 statements with support from a $4.7 million project implemented by UNDP and OHCHR.
The Future of Open Data flows from a multi-year Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Grant project that set out to explore open government geospatial data from an interdisciplinary perspective. Researchers on the grant adopted a critical social science perspective grounded in the imperative that the research should be relevant to government and civil society partners in the field.
The internet has great potential to promote women’s digital inclusion and gender equality, one of the pillars of sustainable development. But it can also pose new challenges to women’s rights and personal security, both online and offline.
This briefing, jointly published by the Internet Society and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), outlines ways in which policy makers can facilitate the internet’s positive potential through an enabling framework for women’s digital inclusion:
This report summarizes the science on the biophysical effects of deforestation on climate stability and explores the policy implications of the resulting impacts at three scales: global climate policy, regional cooperation on precipitation management, and national policies related to agriculture and public health. For each of these policy arenas, there are promising entry points to address current gaps through innovations in policies and institutions.
The National Land Commission Act, 2022 (Sierra Leone).
Dans le cadre des travaux entrepris par le Comité technique « Foncier et développement » et du projet « Appui à l’élaboration des politiques foncières » financé par l’AFD, Alain Rochegude et Caroline Plançon ont actualisé des fiches de synthèse « décentralisation, acteurs locaux et foncier » à partir d’une analyse des textes législatifs appliqués dans 23 pays essentiellement de la zone AFR.
A functioning land sector is foundational to peace and stability, sustainable development, economic growth, food security, environmental conservation and poverty reduction in the Arab region. Effective and fit-for-purpose land administration is an important precondition for the functioning of the land sector and the foundation for good land governance.
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