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Atlas forestier interactif de la République centrafricaine

Peer-reviewed publication
July, 2010
Central African Republic

L’Atlas rassemble, pour la première fois, au sein d’une plate-forme unique, cartographique et interactive, toute l’information sur le secteur forestier, jusqu’ici mise à disposition des décideurs sous forme de simples cartes « papiers » et de tableaux divers. Les versions à venir de cet Atlas permettront de mettre à jour les données déjà disponibles et de rajouter des nouvelles informations indispensables, permettant ainsi un meilleur suivi spatiotemporel du territoire et du secteur forestier.

Formalizing community forest tenure rights: A theory of change and conditions for success

Journal Articles & Books
April, 2022
South America

The formalization of community forest tenure rights is expected to promote sustainable community forest management, and is seen as a way to combine objectives related to environmental conservation, livelihood improvement, and local self-determination. However, the formalization of forest tenure rights by itself, does not automatically result in the intended impacts. There is a need to better understand the conditions under which communities are able to use these rights to achieve positive outcomes across multiple dimensions.

An exploratory review of legal texts and literature on living tenure systems in Madagascar

December, 2020

A lack of information about the living customary systems that manage commons in Madagascar hampers efforts to identify the levels at which collectivities charged with allocating land and enforcing land claims should receive legal recognition. To help address this knowledge gap and inform ongoing legal reforms aimed at recognizing collective tenure, we reviewed relevant legal texts and field studies of Malagasy tenure systems.

Delivering context specific, climate informed agro-advisories at scale: A case study of iSAT, an ICT linked platform piloted with rainfed groundnut farmers in a semi-arid environment

December, 2022

The influence of climate and weather-based advisories in planning and managing agricultural systems under highly variable conditions was evaluated to understand the potential benefits and challenges associated with the use of probabilistic climate and weather information.

DECRET N°2010-233 fixant les modalités d’application de la loi n°2008-014 du 23 juillet 2008 sur le Domaine privé de l’Etat, des Collectivités Décentralisées et des personnes morales de Droit public

The document "DECREE No. 2010 -233 of April 20, 2010" sets the application modalities of Law No. 2008-014 of July 23, 2008 on the private domain of the State, Decentralized Communities, and legal persons of public law in Madagascar. It highlights the procedures for individuals or legal entities of Malagasy nationality desiring to acquire land from the state's private domain. The acquisition can be through purchase, donation, rental, or long-term lease.