4. STDM-Online, the Social Tenure Domain Model on the Web - PPT
4. STDM-Online, the Social Tenure Domain Model on the Web - Paper
4. STDM-Online, the Social Tenure Domain Model on the Web - Paper
Land and resource conflicts in India have deep implications for the well-being of the country’s people, institutions, investments, and long-term development. These conflicts reveal deep structural flaws in the country’s social, agrarian, and institutional structures, including ambiguities in property rights regimes and institutions. In 2014, a study focusing primarily on reports in the national media reflected the gravity of these conflicts.
Zambia recognizes two types of land tenure: customary and leasehold tenure. While historically the majority of land in Zambia has been held under customary tenure, leases (also called leasehold titles) are the only legal means of holding land rights.
O caso dos camponeses de Cachoeirinha engloba três gerações de posseiros, que ocuparam a região norte de Minas Gerais (Brail) desde o início do século XX, pelo menos. É um caso típico da ocupação de terras por posseiros no Brasil. A preocupação pela legalização da propriedade só se dá mediante o conflito com o Estado ou com outros atores que tentam questionar a propriedade da terra.
O Quilombo Kalunga é uma terra coletiva, reconhecida pelo estado e em processo de regularização fundiária. As terras que compõem o territorio quilombola foram ocupadas há centenas de anos por africanos que fugiram da escravidão e acabaram se misturando à população indígena. Desta forma nasceu uma comunidade marcada por estas duas culturas e que conseguiu manter-se isolada até por volta de 1970.
A comunidade quilombola Guajará Mirim é formada por cinco povoados e conta com 140 famílias. Está localizada no município de Acará, região do Baixo Acará, nordeste do estado do Pará. A área da comunidade soma 1.024,1954 hectares titulados em 2002 pelo Instituto de Terras do Pará. O título foi dado em nome da Associação das Comunidades Remanescentes de Quilombos Filhos de Zumbi.
Maroba dos Teixeiras foi reconhecida como comunidade quilombola pela Fundação Palmares no 26 de janeiro de 2009. Comunidades quilombolas são aqueles grupos formados por sujeitos afrodescendentes que resistiram ao sistema escravista que perdurou dos séculos XVI a XIX no Brasil. Além do acesso à terra, as comunidades lutam por ter sua cultura respeitada, acesso à educação e saúde.
Land administration is defined as the acquisition, maintenance and dissemination of information on the ownership, value and use of land. This information is necessary to support land policy implementation. Besides being complete and current, land administration systems – including the information contained within the systems and the processes used for their establishment and maintenance - should ideally be transparent, accessible, simple and low-cost to efficiently and effectively allocate land fairly to citizens.
This brief discusses a pilot intervention in Rwanda led by the Belgian
NGO, RCN Justice & Démocratie, with support from the International
Development Law Organization (IDLO) and the Belgian Government. A
more detailed and complete discussion of the pilot is given in Lankhorst
and Veldman (2011a). The pilot aimed to transform the customary
resolution of disputes involving women’s land claims concerning
inheritance or marital relations. The intervention examined whether
and to what extent it was possible to increase the scope for acceptance
After remarkable social and economic reconstruction since 1994, Rwanda aspires to become a middle income country by 2020 with a strong focus on inclusive growth. In this context the Government of Rwanda (GoR) has recognized the critical nature of land policy and agricultural growth.
A survey of some 3,500 households in and adjacent to land tenure regularization (LTR) pilot cells was undertaken some 2.5 years after completion of the LTR pilot. The results of the survey provide evidence on the fairness and gender inclusiveness of the regularization process, households’ knowledge of the law, and initial investment impacts. A large majority of those asked perceived the process as very fair and transparent. It was, however, more thorough and inclusive in rural than in urban areas, where more than 11 percent of certificates could not be issued because of a pending conflict.
Land rights and the forest peoples of Africa - Historical, legal and anthropological perspectives
A series of five country studies, plus a broad overview, examining indigenous peoples' land rights in the forested countries of Africa.