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Issues property related News
Displaying 1 - 12 of 106
9 October 2023
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the Netherlands embassy in Bagdad (EKN) and the Netherlands Enterprise and Development Agency (RVO) are delighted to announce a LAND-at-scale project in Iraq. Over the coming three years, the project will work to initiate policy dialogue
8 March 2023
This advocacy video provides a quick reference on how to empower women and protect their housing, land and property rights in fragile and crisis affected contexts, and why this is an essential element to sustain peace and stability.
30 August 2022
Desde hace más de dos meses se venían reportando invasiones de predios privados especialmente en el Cauca, comunidades indígenas estaban apoderándose de tierras que hoy son usadas en su mayoría para la agroindustria de la caña. Finalmente el Gobierno rompió el silencio sobre los hechos, y fue la
14 July 2022
A moins que vous ne soyez bibliophiles, démarcheurs passez votre chemin. « Parcelle à vendre » n’a rien d’une petite annonce immobilière et se veut le titre du second roman d’Arian Samba, avec pour toile de fond notre cher Congo Brazzaville.
5 May 2022
Land reform can only happen by targeting private property ownership, says Tembeka Ngcukaitobi Government should abandon the policy of land restitution because it is not economically or politically feasible, and rather go back to redistribution. The concept of private property came about as a result
16 April 2022
Main photo: A recent Nepal Rastra Bank report suggests that property price in Kathmandu Valley is increasing at the rate of 27.7 percent a year, doubling the real estate value every 3.5 years.  In fact, almost every developing area of Nepal is witnessing this phenomenon. Property-price appreciation
3 March 2022
Local residents of Gaur, Rautahat, have lamented the failure of police administration to arrest people involved in a plot to capture the land of Gaur Rice Mills, including a government employee who confessed he forged official documents. Set up in 1946, the mill was closed after 22 years due to
29 December 2021
China’s cash-strapped developers have become reluctant to acquire land even as some local governments relax bidding rules, adding to signs of their liquidity crunch and threatening to deepen the nation’s economic slowdown.  Land plots auctioned in the fourth quarter through Dec. 20 only fetched
7 December 2021
This free e-learning course shows how to gather data for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 1.4.2, which monitors security of land tenure rights. The course is aimed at officers of national statistics organizations, land registries among others, responsible for collecting and reporting
30 November 2021
According to Prof Abdul Shakoor Shah, Pakistan is the most urbanized nation in South Asia. The Real Estate industry in Pakistan was instigated from Karachi. It subsisted even before partition. Property tycoons constructed buildings but the selling of plots was atypical. The industry started
30 November 2021
The fundamental redistributive and transformative character of the Constitution — and how politicians, policymakers and legislators have ignored this — was a key thread at the Social Justice Summit and preceding international conference on economic equality and the rule of law hosted by
23 November 2021
Aug 25 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The Taliban’s return to power threatens Afghan women’s hard-won property rights, with thousands who fled their homes during the militants’ takeover at particular risk of losing their land and houses for good, rights groups and researchers said. The Taliban

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