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Issues Land & Investments related News
Displaying 229 - 240 of 401
7 October 2019
Addis Abeba, October 07/2019 – The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), in collaboration with the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), the Ethiopian Agriculture Transformation Agency (ATA), the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Council Secretariat (EARCS), regional bureaus of agriculture,
17 September 2019
Our latest WOLTS publication is a fascinating photo essay from one of our pilot research communities, Mundarara, in Tanzania. The piece by Jim Grabham, titled “Are rubies undermining Maasai culture”, shares insights gleaned from in-depth interviews with two participants in a one-year training
15 September 2019
Papua New Guinea out of pocket $157m from failed attempt at mining material from deep-sea vents as opponents point to environmental risk The “total failure” of PNG’s controversial deep sea mining project Solwara 1 has spurred calls for a Pacific-wide moratorium on seabed mining for a decade.
29 August 2019
The history of land acquisition in India is chequered, its implementation questionable, and compensation is only a matter of perspective. A farmers’ organisation has been arguing that the country doesn’t need more land laws but a restoration of the fundamental right to property. Does the argument
23 August 2019
As part of UNIDROIT’s work on private law and agricultural development, a UNIDROIT Working Group is currently developing a Legal Guide on Agricultural Land Investment Contracts, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Fund for
18 August 2019
Mansa, Punjab, India - With a scarf around her head and a bottle of cold water in her backpack, Kiranjit Kaur goes door to door as the sun beats down on Kotra Kalan village, calling on women to join an upcoming meeting about farmer suicides. Two years ago she set up the Kisan Mazdoor Khudkushi
28 July 2019
It is an 8 x 8 room without any ventilation or windows, but Shimon, a 20-year-old youth from Bihar, calls it home. It is his kitchen, living room and bedroom. It does not boast of any luxuries like a toilet and a bath, but he pays Rs. 1,500 for this "company-provided accommodation". Add to it the
11 July 2019
Over the past two years, several private companies have launched efforts to provide global broadband internet using networks of low-earth-orbit satellites. The outcome of these projects is uncertain, but the scale of their ambition is undeniable. In total, they plan to put nearly 20,000 global
9 July 2019
After defeating a plan to turn much of the Aru Islands into a series of giant sugar plantations, indigenous people in the eastern Indonesian archipelago are mulling how to raise their standard of living without sacrificing their rich environment. Time may be short: Indonesia’s minister of
11 June 2019
Large-scale land transactions in which nations sell huge, publicly owned parcels to foreign and domestic corporations negatively affect local women more than men, a new study by Oregon State University shows.   The findings are important because the transactions, also known as land grabs, are
3 May 2019
PRESIDENT John Mangufuli has smelt a rat in the distribution of 5,975 hectares of land repossessed from Kaunga and Mbarali rice farms and directed Mbeya regional authorities to submit the names of all beneficiaries to his office. The land in question meant for ditribution to villagers in the area

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