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Issues Land & Investments related News
Displaying 157 - 168 of 401
29 December 2020
Civil society organisations (CSOs) working on the environment and human rights have expressed concern about filling parts of Boeung Tamok Lake to create new parcels of land on the outskirts of Phnom Penh. Located in Prek Pnov district’s Kouk Roka commune, Boeung Tamok, also known as Kob Srov Lake,
24 December 2020
Five civil society organisations urged the government to take action against Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAGL), a Vietnamese agribusiness firm, for alleged land clearing activities on areas allocated to indigenous communities in Ratanakkiri province’s Andong Meas district. However, provincial authorities
23 December 2020
Once covered in vast tropical forests, East Kalimantan, in the Indonesian half of Borneo Island, is today the most intensively mined province in Indonesia. Surface mining for coal has left behind vast expanses of barren land across the province. Under Indonesian law, mining companies are
23 December 2020
Main photo: young oil palms await planting on land deforested by South Korea’s Korindo in the Indonesian province of Papua (Image: Mighty Earth) In 2019, South Korea imported 745,000 metric tonnes of palm oil, up from 194,000 metric tonnes in 2005. It is one of the fastest-growing markets for the
14 December 2020
All in all, despite COVID-19, the WOLTS team have had a highly productive year. In 2020  we've been adapting, taking stock,  writing  blogs, and  concluding  our pilot 'gender and land champions' training  programme in  Mongolia  and Tanzania.
13 December 2020
Located about 50 kilometres from the Noordoewer border post that separates Namibia from neighbouring South Africa, Aussenkehr has vast vineyards that stretch as far as the eye can see.
7 December 2020
A growing number of reports show that large-scale deforestation continues in Cambodia’s protected forests, often with tacit endorsement from government officials—despite promises of conservation. Editorial A series of reports this year show that protected forest areas across Cambodia are under
3 December 2020
Seeking quick returns, Chinese investors are driving a scramble for plantation land in parts of northern Myanmar.
3 December 2020
About half of Ghana's fish landing sites across the coast are under threat, Friends of the Nation (FoN), a non-governmental organisation has said. According to them, most of the fishing communities were losing their source of livelihoods to the increasing takeover of the shorelines for residential
30 November 2020
Big projects backed by Beijing have gained fresh momentum now that the Rajapaksas have staged a political comeback
26 November 2020
Top Indonesian ministers who pushed for the passage of a deregulation bill that benefits the mining and “dirty energy” industry have links to some of those very companies, a new report shows. The report by a coalition of NGOs highlights “massive potential for conflicts of interest” in the drafting
26 November 2020
There is a raging debate with regards to viability and legality of the barter deal that was agreed between Malawi government and an investor. For the starters, we understand that, to address shortage of housing among police officers, Worldwide Construction Company was awarded a K9.9 billion

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