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Displaying 85 - 96 of 217

Five Feet High and Rising : Cities and Flooding in the 21st Century

March, 2012

Urban flooding is an increasingly
important issue. Disaster statistics appear to show flood
events are becoming more frequent, with medium-scale events
increasing fastest. The impact of flooding is driven by a
combination of natural and human-induced factors. As recent
flood events in Pakistan, Brazil, Sri Lanka and Australia
show, floods can occur in widespread locations and can
sometimes overwhelm even the best prepared countries and

Green Cities : Sustainable Low-Income Housing in Brazil

March, 2013

Housing development has direct and
indirect impacts on the environment. Through its design,
construction, and operation, housing represents a
significant point of direct consumption of natural
materials, water, and energy. Therefore, greenhouse gas
emissions embodied in housing can be very significant.
Moreover, in Brazil, civil construction is responsible for
the largest percentage of solid waste volume generated in

Using Contingent Valuation in the Design of Payments for Environmental Services Mechanisms : A Review and Assessment

April, 2014

As the use of payments for environmental
services (PES) programs for conservation has grown in
developing countries, the use of stated preference methods,
particularly contingent valuation (CV) surveys, to estimate
the maximum amount that users of environmental services
(buyers) would be willing to pay has also increased. This
paper reviews 25 CV studies conducted in the context of PES
programs (CV-PES) and assesses their quality and usefulness

Deep Wells and Prudence : Towards Pragmatic Action for Addressing Groundwater Overexploitation in India

March, 2012

India is the largest groundwater user in
the world, with an estimated usage of around 230 cubic
kilometers per year, more than a quarter of the global
total. With more than 60 percent of irrigated agriculture
and 85 percent of drinking water supplies dependent on it,
groundwater is a vital resource for rural areas in India.
Reliance of urban and industrial waste supplies on
groundwater is also becoming increasingly significant in

Impacts of International Migration and Remittances on Child Outcomes and Labor Supply in Indonesia : How Does Gender Matter?

March, 2012

This paper aims to investigate
empirically how international migration and remittances in
Indonesia, particularly female migration, affect child
outcomes and labor supply behavior in sending households.
The authors analyze the Indonesia Family Life Survey data
set and apply an instrumental variable estimation method,
using historical migration networks as instruments for
migration and remittance receipts. The study finds that, in

Financing Indian Cities : Opportunities and Constraints in an Nth Best World

March, 2012

This paper examines international
experience with mobilizing funding for both capital and
recurrent costs for municipal infrastructure with a view to
identifying areas where India could improve its system of
financing infrastructure in cities. Based on international
data, the analysis shows that there is indeed a wide range
of models for funding municipal infrastructure across a
group even as relatively homogeneous as the European Union.

Approaches to Urban Slums : A Multimedia Sourcebook on Adaptive and Proactive Strategies

Training Resources & Tools
May, 2012

Approaches to urban slums are a
multimedia sourcebook that comprises 14 self-running
audiovisual presentations and 18 video interviews. It is
organized into four broad sections: adaptive approaches,
proactive approaches, case profiles, and thematic
interviews. The sourcebook itself, which contains more than
nine viewing hours of content on CD-ROM, does not exist in
printed format. This guide provides an overview of the

North Africa Coastal Cities Address Natural Disasters and Climate Change

June, 2014

North Africa's coastal cities, long
benefitting from their ready access to commerce and culture,
also face distinct vulnerabilities due to their location.
Natural hazards and extreme weather patterns impose risks on
coastal areas that inland areas seldom encounter. North
Africa's increasingly populous cities face tangible
risks today, but these will be amplified as the impacts of
global climate change further manifest themselves over the

Urbanization and Growth : Commission
on Growth and Development

March, 2012

Structural change is a key driver of
rapid growth: countries diversify into new industries, firms
learn new things, people move to new locations. Anything
that slows this structural change is also likely to slow
growth. Because urbanization is one of the most important
enabling parallel processes in rapid growth, making it work
well is critical. Urbanization's contribution to growth
comes from two sources: the difference between rural and

Turning Sri Lanka's Urban Vision into Policy and Action

December, 2012

Sri Lanka's country vision is to
become a global hub between the East and the West and an
upper middle-income country by 2016. Sri Lanka's urban
vision, as defined in the government's development
policy framework is to develop a system of competitive,
environmentally sustainable, well-linked cities clustered in
five metro regions and nine metro cities and to provide
every family with affordable and adequate urban shelter by

Climate Resilient Cities : A Primer on Reducing Vulnerabilities to Disasters

December, 2012

Climate resilient cities a primer on reducing vulnerabilities to disasters is prepared as a guide for local governments in the East Asia Region to better understand the concepts and consequences of climate change; how climate change consequences contribute to urban vulnerabilities; and what is being done by city governments in East Asia and around the world to actively engage in learning, capacity building, and capital investment programs for building sustainable, resilient communities.

The Urban Transition in Tanzania

June, 2014

This report presents the problem,
describes the analytical framework, the African and World
context and the characteristics that need to be present for
a responsible and effective urbanization. Chapter one
discusses the issues involved in measuring urban growth and
density and the problem of under-measuring density. Chapter
two introduces key aspects of the recent urbanization in
Tanzania, including migration, structure of economy and