Retaining Open Space with Purchasable Development Rights Programs
This paper examines the preservation of farmland through purchasable development rights. In a comparison of the estimated costs and benefits associated with the development of open space from 1982 to 1992, we show that these programs may provide a net benefit to society. An econometric model is employed to address the question of what factors explain both the creation of these programs and the magnitude of farmland preservation.
[Forests in Canada and their forest strategy]
Se realiza un recorrido por las principales prácticas forestales en Canadá y particularmente en la provincia de British Columbia. Se describen las principales formas de propiedad, gestión, aprovechamiento y conservación de los bosques. Finalmente, se repasan los objetivos de la Estrategia Forestal Canadiense, destacando aquellos que más difieren de los reflejados en la Estrategia Forestal Española.
Commercialization and Subsistence in Transaction Agriculture: Empirical Evidence from Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania
Present-day Central and Eastern European agriculture is characterized by a high incidence of small-scale farmers who are not producing for the market. This paper uses household level data from comparative farm surveys in Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania to analyze which farm household characteristics and endowments influence commercialization and subsistence farming.
Parcel-based geo-information systems : concepts and guidelines
Community’s forest dependency and its effects towards the forest resources and wildlife abundances in Sarawak, Malaysia
Forests play an important role in the community’s livelihood, and this role has created an important relationship or mutual dependence between the forest and the community. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the types of community’s forest dependency and to identify the effects of community’s forest dependency towards forest resources and wildlife abundance. The data were collected using the self-administered questionnaire, involving 204 community members in Bau District, Sarawak.
Connecting people and places: the emerging role of network governance in large landscape conservation
The most important land and water issues facing North America and the world â including landâuse patterns, water management, biodiversity protection, and climate adaptation â require innovative governance arrangements. Most of these issues need to be addressed at several scales simultaneously, ranging from local to global. They require action at the scale of large landscapes given that the geographic scope of the issues often transcends the legal and geographic reach of existing jurisdictions and institutions.
Doing Sovereignty in Native North America: Anishinaabe Counter-Mapping and the Struggle for Land-Based Self-Determination
Beginning with the premise that sovereignty may be most constructively contemplated not as a definable object or objective but instead as a process, this article examines counter-mapping as a way for contemporary indigenous citizens to “do” sovereignty. It surveys three Anishinaabe/Ojibwe communities’ recent use of geographical techniques to communicate their own territorial claims and counter the competing claims of others.
Yield Analysis of Oil Palm Cultivated Under Irrigation in the Brazilian Savanna
The oil palm is currently a major source of oil used worldwide for biofuel production and food. In Brazil, it is grown in high rainfall and high temperature regions. The high cost of this oil crop in the Brazilian Amazonia, combined with environmental and land ownership issues and the occurrence of diseases, has aroused considerable interest in growing it in other regions of the country, including the Savanna (Cerrado) Biome.
Eltelt két évtized és hazánk, valamint az agrárvilág újra attól hangos, mint két évtizeddel ezelőtt, hogy kié lesz a föld? Ebben sok minden közrejátszott, de mindenekelőtt az, hogy a rendszerváltozáshoz ziláltan érkezett az agrárgazdaság, a vidék, s a földek reprivatizációja helyett kárpótlásra került sor, elmaradt a parasztság rehabilitációja, s főleg hogy egyetlen kormány sem foglalkozott stratégiai, szociális, környezetfenntartó súlyának megfelelően a vidékkel, a mezőgazdasággal. Ugyan 2001-ben lépéseket kezdeményeztek a családi gazdaságok felkarolására, de ez nem folytatódott.