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Issues corruption related News
Displaying 13 - 24 of 190
17 August 2022
Main photo: Chaiwat Limlikitaksorn, the former head of Kaeng Krachan National Park and one of the indicted officials.
28 July 2022
The Head of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment commented on the delay of land registration during the 2nd National Assembly Session on 22 July.
27 July 2022
Une entreprise, liée aux mercenaires russes de Wagner, a mis la main depuis février 2021 sur une immense parcelle de forêt en Centrafrique. Ils ne paient pas de taxes, sont en lien avec le pouvoir. Libre à eux d’exploiter le bois presque comme ils l’entendent. Enquête autour d’une nouvelle activité
8 July 2022
Some community members accuse Socfin of land grabbing and pollution.
27 June 2022
Près de la frontière avec le Soudan, les mercenaires russes pillent les mines artisanales en Centrafrique. Ils auraient tué des dizaines de travailleurs clandestins depuis le mois de mars 2022.
16 June 2022
Brazilian police reported on June 15 that they had found the bodies believed to be those of Brazilian Indigenous defender Bruno Pereira and British journalist Dom Phillips deep in the western Amazon. The bodies were found not far from where the pair disappeared on June 5, in the Vale do Javari
5 June 2022
LONDON: A British Pakistani family from Birmingham has complained to Overseas Pakistanis Commission Punjab that their land worth tens of millions of Rupees has been taken over fraudulently by three men with powerful connections.
21 May 2022
(main photo) FILE - (Former) Federal Minister for Human Rights of Pakistan Shireen Mazari delivers a speech during a session of the UN Human Rights Council, which voted to hold an urgent debate about Russia's deadly invasion of Ukraine at Kyiv's request, Geneva, Feb. 28, 2022.
6 May 2022
COLÓN, Panamá — Hace aproximadamente 3 millones de años, salió del océano una masa terrestre y creó un istmo que conectó lo que ahora se conoce como América del Norte y del Sur. Hoy en día, el centro de ese puente de tierra es el país de Panamá, el cual presume de tener más diversidad de aves que
15 April 2022
Critics of a government plantation scheme have slammed the program following revelations that only a fraction of forest reserves cleared for plantations over the past decade have actually been replanted. An investigation by environmental news site Macaranga found that only 5% of the 77,331 hectares
13 April 2022
Main photo: Uzbek Prezident Shavkat Mirziyoev (center) with oligarch Bakhtiyor Fazylov (right). A lucrative plot of Tashkent land belonging to a major Uzbek steel plant has been sold to a company close to President Shavkat Mirziyoev’s son-in-law, at a fraction of its market value, documents showed.

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