林业委员会 第二十三届会议 报 告
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO 2016/REP
Session: Sess. 23
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO 2016/REP
Session: Sess. 23
Over the coming 35 years, agriculture will face an unprecedented confluence of pressures, including a 30 percent increase in the global population, intensifying competition for increasingly scarce land, water and energy resources, and the existential threat of climate change. To provide for a population projected to reach 9.3 billion in 2050 and support changing dietary patterns, estimates are that food production will need to increase from the current 8.4 billion tonnes to almost 13.5 billion tonnes a year.
Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 19. Ce rapport a été écrit faisant partie du processus global de consultation et d’élaboration des Directives Volontaires et vise à contribuer à la préparation subséquente du Guide Technique pour le Genre. Le rapport contextualise et définit le genre dans le cadre des Directives Volontaires, explique ce que signifie gouvernance foncière d’une prospective genre et identifie et analyse les principaux thèmes et questions.
Meeting symbol/code: GSPPA-I/13/Report
Session: Sess.1
FAO’s full office in Eritrea became operational in 1995, when the field programme at the time was dedicated to recovery from the devastation caused by the protracted war of independence. The focus was on the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the agricultural sector and the resettlement of returning displaced people. Following this reconstruction and rehabilitation period, Eritrea began building its vision of development and set about capacitating and building public sector institutions to implement this vision.
The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) was formally established by members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) during its Council in December 2012. The Council recognized soil as an essential natural resource, which is often overlooked and has not received adequate attention in recent years, despite the fact that production of food, fiber, fodder, and fuel critically depends on healthy soils.
Meeting symbol/code: FO:LACFC/2015/2
Session: Sess. 29
Questo libro racconta la storia dei sette decenni della FAO, i suoi protagonisti e i fatti salienti. Dall’archivio storico della FAO sono state selezionate fotografie inedite, in bianco e nero, dei primi anni dell'Organizzazione, con le quali è stato possibile realizzare un’avvincente raccolta di immagini.
Land and soils constitute the foundation for sustainable agricultural development, essential ecosystem functions and food security. They are key to sustaining life on Earth.
Meeting Name: Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils
Meeting symbol/code: ITPS-II/14/Report
Meeting symbol/code: FO:LACFC/2015/9
Session: Sess. 29
Партнерство между Казахстаном и ФАО неуклонно развивается с момента вступления страны в Организацию в 1997 году, а в последнее время Казахстан стал уделять повышенное внимание инвестициям в сельское и лесное хозяйство и в развитие сельских районов.