Forest and Farm Facility (FFF): Local voices speaking together for global change
Small forest and farm producers manage a third of the world’s forests. Together, these smallholder families, indigenous people and local communities are the world’s largest investors in forests. They are key to sustainable forest and farm management and have a critical role to play in the success of global concerns such as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+), climate change adaptation and green growth. Yet all too often their voices go unheard.
Info Note Better Life Alliance in Zambia
This case study estimates the GHG impacts from the implementation of an agricultural development project supported by USAID in Zambia. It identifies the magnitude of a larger set of GHG impacts and compares GHG impact strength of different field activities and cropping systems. As such, the assessment results are instrumental for informing investment and policy planners in Zambia when designing LED strategies in agriculture. Better Life Alliance (BLA) achieved significant climate change mitigation benefits of estimated -902,530 tCO2e per year.
Israel and FAO
Israel became an FAO member in 1949, and has provided highly valuable expertise to FAO and its member countries. In addition to offering technical assistance to FAO projects on capacity development for pest and pesticide management, Israel’s agency for International Development regularly holds technical training sessions in many areas of agriculture and development. These are circulated to FAO stakeholders in developing countries, several of whom have participated in and benefited from the training.
Informe del 23.º período de sesiones del Comité Forestal
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO 2016/REP
Session: Sess. 23
Uzbekistan and FAO
The partnership between Uzbekistan and FAO has been evolving since the country joined the Organization in 2001, and it was recently strengthened with the opening of a Representation in 2014 and the signing of a Host Country Agreement. Delivered through national as well as regional projects, technical assistance has covered a wide range of areas, including diversification of cropping systems, livestock production and disease control, locust control activities and increased fisheries production.
Democratic Republic of the Congo and FAO
Cooperation with the Democratic Republic of the Congo dates back to 1978 when FAO opened its country office. Assistance has focused on improving food and nutrition security, including support to the formulation of policies and strategies for agricultural and rural development, natural resource management and resilience building in the face of climate change.
Report of the Second Meeting of the Biodiversity, Habitat and Water Quality Working Group
The second meeting of Biodiversity, Habitat and Water Quality, subject of this report, was organized in Banjul (The Gambia) from 12 to 14 March 2013. All representatives of the countries (except from Morocco) as well as the RCU URC and the project partners were able to participate.
Première Réunion de l'Assemblée Plénière du Partenariat Mondial sur les Sols
Meeting symbol/code: GSPPA-I/13/Report
Session: Sess.1
2015 Année Internationale des Sols
Matériel d'Information pour l'Année Internationale des Sols (AIS 2015).
عاما على إنشاء منظمة الأغذية والزراعة (1945-2015) 70
يعرض هذا الكتاب العقود السبعة من تاريخ منظمة الأغذية والزراعة، روادها الأوائل ومساعيهم. فقد غصنها في أرشيف المنظمة لنخرج إلى النور صورا نادرة بالأبيض والأسود لم تنشر فيما سبق، والتي تمثل محفظة للسنوات الأولى من تاريخ المنظمة. ويعتبر هذا الكتاب أيضا سجلا للإنجازات العشرة الكبرى في تاريخ المنظمة والتي نذكر منها القضاء على الطاعون البقري؛ المعاهدة الدولية بشأن الموارد النباتية الوراثية التي تحظى بأهمية كبيرة في ضمان التنوع الحيوي على كوكب الأرض، ومدونة السلوك الرشيد لأنشطة إنتاج الأحياء البحرية الهامة والضرورية للحفاظ على النظام البيئي البحري.