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Issues sustainable development related News
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1 April 2019
A new report on the status of gender equality in Rwanda that was launched last week shows that the country recorded significant gains on several fronts on the basis of promoting gender equality  The new index shows that Rwanda has, for the past 25 years, achieved unprecedented progress in gender
28 March 2019
Another election is upon us, and we are preoccupied with some matters that are grave and many that are not. But noticeable by its absence in any of the manifestos and declarations by political parties is a debate about the future of human civilisation.
27 March 2019
Some Democrats want a Green New Deal that Republicans strongly oppose. Here are 5 key issues the deal seeks to tackle. The US Senate on Tuesday defeated a proposal to take up the Green New Deal in a vote Democrats called a "sham" and a "stunt".  Senators voted 57-0 against proceeding with
26 March 2019
Women in half of the countries in the world are unable to assert equal land and property rights despite legal protections, warned members of a new global campaign that formally launches today. The campaign, Stand For Her Land, aims to close this persistent gap between law and practice worldwide so
18 March 2019
Women’s economic empowerment is a necessary step to promote women’s rights and achieve gender equality. Throughout the last decades, women have been entering the labor market and, despite the still existing inequalities in terms of wages and opportunities, there are many sectors in which women have
13 March 2019
Getting to the bottom of illegal plantations on Indonesia’s state owned forests In an ideal world, palm oil production would cause no deforestation, and have a transparent and fair supply chain. In reality, the impacts of the sector have been the cause of ethical concerns worldwide.
5 March 2019
If the main purpose of government is to provide for the common security of its citizens, surely ensuring the security of the food system must be among its paramount duties. The United Nations identifies the food crisis as one of the primary and overarching challenges facing the international
1 March 2019
As the Samburu fight for control over natural resources, Samburu women are demanding to be heard The Samburu, a pastoralist indigenous tribe from the vast semi-arid and arid rangelands of Northern Kenya, face many of the same challenges as other indigenous communities around the world. They have
28 February 2019
New law will allow people of Toledo to act as legal guardians for Lake Erie, and polluters could be sued to pay for cleanup costs
27 February 2019
It’s now been over 10 years since countries around the world started to work on the international policy framework known by reference as the acronym REDD+, which stands for ‘reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, conservation and sustainable management of forests and
12 February 2019
In early October 2018, residents of Trapicheiros—a small favela of 52 families situated near Salgueiro in Tijuca, in the North Zone of Rio—began receiving messages of harassment from strangers on the Internet. 
11 February 2019
CANBERRA — A report from the U.N Environment Programme released last month seeks to make governments look beyond environmental law, and focus on gaps in implementation. The report analyzes the global environmental rule of law and provides an important evidence base to help advocacy efforts on

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