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Displaying 2245 - 2256 of 3106

Understanding runoff generation processes and rainfall runoff modelling in the Meja watershed of Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
October, 2013
Eastern Africa

Understanding the basic relationships between rainfall, runoff, soil moisture and ground water level are vital for an effective and sustainable water resources planning and management activities. But so far there are no hydrological studies in Meja watershed that aims to understand the watershed characteristics and runoff generation processes. This study was conducted to understand runoff generation processes and model rainfall runoff relationship in Meja watershed having a drainage area of 96.6 km2.

Understanding groundwater storage changes and recharge in Rajasthan, India through remote sensing

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015

Groundwater management practices need to take hydrogeology, the agro-climate and demand for groundwater into account. Since agroclimatic zones have already been demarcated by the Government of India, it would aid policy makers to understand the status of groundwater recharge and discharge in each agroclimatic zone. However, developing effective policies to manage groundwater at agroclimatic zone and state levels is constrained due to a paucity of temporal data and information.