Thinking inside the basin: scale in transboundary water management
The use of the river basin game as a tool for the implementation of the Waternet CP project in South Africa
Towards voluntary guidelines for people-centred land-water tenure: the untapped synergies between rights-based land and water governance
Water is absent in the ‘Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of Food Security’ (FAO, 2012). This paper explored whether and how the people-centred approaches and the human rights values that underpin this document can be better applied in the water sector and how more recognition of the land-water interface can support this.
Thirty years learning to improve rainwater and land management in the Blue Nile basin of Ethiopia
The use of tritiated water in livestock research in Africa: Theory, application, methodology and potential errors of the technique
Presents a theoritical outline of the techniques in the use of tritiated water (HTO) which can be used to estimate total body water, body composition, water turnover, milk intake and feed intake. Highlights its potential errors and gives a comprehensive methodology for the use of tritiated water under field conditions.
The water reform in Burkina Faso between discourse and reality: the case of water user associations in Bougouriba water basin in SW [South West region] Burkina Faso [Abstract only]
For two decades now Burkina Faso has been trying to adopt the global concept of IWRM. The official texts were developed between 1996 and 2001, while the experiment was being put into action in the Nakambe river basin. Following a positive outcome, the Action plan on integrated water resource management was adopted in 2003, defining a strategy and action plan to be executed by the water resource management by the 2015 deadline.