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History of the cadastre in Tunisia

Conference Papers & Reports
March, 1973

The origins of the cadastre in Tunisia go back to the Roman occupation. The vestiges of a Roman cadastral system were first brought to light through examination of plans and topographical maps established from ground surveys; from this examination it was possible to determine the characteristics of both the orientation of the lines arid the dimensions of the grid.

Information age government: Success stories of online land records & revenue governance from India : executive summary

Reports & Research
May, 2003

The manual systems of maintaining land records in India are as diverse as the country itself. The traditional methods have been changing over the years in each state according to local practices and traditions. The procedure for recording transfer and ownership of lands, shares and inheritance is generally based on a particular Identity number for each plot of land. Revenue assessment and agricultural yield related data are also recorded against that specific identification number.

Brèves notes sur le régime domanial et foncier de la République de Tchad : (Présenté par le Gouvernement du la République du Tchad)

Conference Papers & Reports
November, 1970

Le Tchad a, comme beaucoup d' Etats de l'Afrique équatoriale, comme

textes de base instituant le regime foncier et domanial,le décret francais du 28 mars 1899 et les autres textes modificatifs intervenus par la suite.

The Status of cadastral surveys and land registration services in Tanzania and future development : figures I to IV

Conference Papers & Reports
October, 1970

Most of the Cadastral surveys in the country are done by the survey and mapping division. In the laws, there is a provision for a licensed surveyor who may also carry out cadastral; surveys, but at present there is none in the country.

Note sur le régime foncier au Niger, les droits coutumiers, les domines public et privé

Conference Papers & Reports
November, 1970

Cette évolution qui est normale n'en est encore, en particulier au Niger qu'a ses débuts et le législateur s'est préoccupé de favoriser une évolution harmonieuse et ordonnée de la tenure coutumière vers la constitution d'une véritable propriété foncière africaine, facteur de développement économique et social des populations.

Les lèves cadastraux et les services d'immatriculation des terres en Tanzanie situation actuelle et perspectives: ( Note presentée par le Gouvernement de la République-Unie de Tanzanie)

Conference Papers & Reports
November, 1970

La plupart des levés cadastraux dans le pays sont établis par la Division des levés et de la cartographie. Les textes législatifs portent création d'un poste de géometre autorise, habilite également à exécuter les levés cadastraux, mais pour le moment il n'y en a pas dans le pays.

Land registration in the United States

Conference Papers & Reports
November, 1970

Man instinctively and intelligently takes care of himself as well as he can, and man does this test in a society of fellow humans. The natural human priority is self-preservation and fulfillment, but in the framework of the human group- where responsibilities to others give meaning to rights that each individual asserts for himself and can test us as individualst even as it sustains us- Land can unify

and ennoble us as groups, even as it tempts us to indulge the more provincial among social concerns.