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Issues forest conservation related News
Displaying 97 - 108 of 282
13 November 2019
The effect of losing intact tropical forests is more devastating on the climate than previously thought, researchers report. A new international study reveals that between 2000 and 2013, the clearance of intact tropical forests led to much higher levels of carbon being emitted into the atmosphere
12 November 2019
Power relationships, local knowledge and transparency in integrated landscape approaches Integrate knowledge holders. Understand power relationships and address imbalances to ensure marginalized groups are heard. Promote transparency in decisions and actions in landscape restoration work. Address
8 November 2019
• During the launch, Environment and Forestry PS Betty Maina called for concerted efforts to help achieve the government’s target of getting 10 per cent forest cover by 2022. • Environmental activist Benson Wemali on Friday told the Star more than 70 per cent of Kenyans lack knowledge on forest
6 November 2019
The people of Indonesia’s Aru Islands fended off a land grab that would have led to the destruction of a vast area of rainforest, through a sophisticated grassroots campaign that held power to account. The campaign holds lessons for rural communities facing similar threats, but their prospects
31 October 2019
When undisturbed tropical forests are lost the long-term impact on carbon emissions is dramatically higher than earlier estimates suggest, according to a new study. Between 2000 and 2013, about 7 percent of the world’s intact tropical forests were destroyed, leading not just to direct carbon
29 October 2019
To more effectively guard forests and stem climate change, "simply designating a place as protected can't be the beginning and the end of a conservation effort" LONDON - Expanding the planet's protected natural areas to safeguard vanishing forests and other ecosystems, and the species they
4 October 2019
Protecting land from development provides numerous ecological and social benefits, but many people debate whether it hurts or helps local economies. Some worry that land protection will inhibit economic growth by restricting local resource use or building opportunities.
16 September 2019
Indonesian companies were given until March this year to disclose their “beneficial owners” under a 2018 presidential regulation, but less than 1 percent have complied. In the easternmost corner of the country, investors hidden by layers of corporate secrecy continue to bulldoze an intact
13 September 2019
The 12-day long 14th Conference of Parties (COP14) to United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) concluded with thought-provoking discussions on land management, restoration of degraded land, drought, climate change, renewable energy, women empowerment, gender equality, water
12 September 2019
An online project aims to map all of the world's indigenous lands to secure legal rights and alert communities to the threats of illegal logging and mining BANGKOK - An online project mapping all of the world's indigenous lands will help secure legal rights, and alert communities to the potential
6 September 2019
LETICIA, Colombia (Reuters) - Seven Amazonian countries on Friday signed a pact to protect the world’s largest tropical forest via disaster response coordination and satellite monitoring, amid recent fires that torched thousands of square miles of the jungle. The presidents of Colombia, Bolivia,
5 September 2019
Human rights groups say about 60,000 settlers are being targeted, in the latest effort to halt the destruction of what is referred to as Kenya's key water tower NAIROBI - Thousands of people are being removed from Kenya's largest forest, a senior official said on Thursday, in a controversial move

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