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News & Events 3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum
3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum
3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum
3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum 2021
26 May 2021 to 27 May 2021
3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum 2021

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Blog post

Strengthening the land rights of local communities and women in forest areas

26 May 2021
Daniel Hayward

The task of opening a large event is never easy. Within a short space of time, you need to set out a clear agenda, freshening the perspective of the viewer, and then clear the decks for discussion to move forwards rather than retread old ground. Following some introductory greetings from Jean-François Cuénod of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Micah Ingalls (Team Leader MRLG) took up the challenge.

Blog post

Customary and Collective Forest Tenure in the Mekong Region

26 May 2021
Daniel Hayward

The first session of the 3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum looked to clarify an understanding of customary land tenure systems, and bring a focus upon communities living in and around forestland areas of the Mekong region. The session observed some of the policy developments that could lead to greater recognition of customary tenure and land security for community members.

Blog post

Trends in customary and collective forest tenure recognition in the Mekong region

26 May 2021
Daniel Hayward

The second session of the 3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum explored some of the regional and global trends in protecting local user rights in forests. In particular, it looked at some of the regional programs in social forestry and how these attempt to draw a balance between community needs and other demands for conservation, and exploitation for timber and non-timber resources. 

Blog post

Demystifying FPIC

21 May 2021
Dr. Antoine Deligne

During Session 3 of the  3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum, we will talk about free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) standards, with the intention to address common concerns of government agencies and private investors about perceived challenges and risks in relation to FPIC application. The session will highlight why FPIC is actually in the best interest of all stakeholders.

Blog post

Responsible agricultural investment in Mekong forest landscapes: How do we get there?

21 May 2021
Rob Cole

The impacts of agribusiness and plantation investments on the forests of the Mekong region have been widely documented. Taken together, much of this evidence paints a picture of global economic forces bearing down on fragile ecosystems and ethnically diverse communities of smallholder farmers. What emerges is a set of well-known trade-offs – agricultural investments can bring livelihood improvements and benefits to smallholders, but also multiple risks to people and landscapes.

Blog post

Enhancing responsible agricultural investment: What role should investment incentives play?

24 May 2021
Dr. Jana Herold

In the Mekong region, agriculture (including forestry and fisheries) employs over 43% of the population and contributes to around 16% to the regional GDP, making it an important sector for investment. Agricultural investment can be key to support economic growth, enhance food security and nutrition and reduce poverty, thereby contributing to the Agenda 2030. Yet, this investment must be responsible to generate sustainable benefits.

Blog post
Blog post

Comparative analysis of the legal frameworks in the context of responsible land-based investments: Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet Nam

24 May 2021
Louisa J.M. Jansen

The recognition of customary tenure systems and responsible land-based investments that safeguard legitimate tenure rights and right holders are the interconnected main themes for mainstreaming the principles and internationally recognized good practices of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) in Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet Nam.