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Issues forest conservation related News
Displaying 193 - 204 of 282
19 December 2018
The world is losing an estimated USD 6.3 trillion to land degradation every year, while restoring 300 million hectares by 2030 could have a return of USD 7 to 20 for each dollar invested.
18 December 2018
We do not need to search too far to find a roadmap for a global New Deal for Nature and People. By not viewing environmental issues as human rights issues, gross human rights abuses can occur while weakening humanity’s ability to combat climate change. If the global community is to make
17 December 2018
The Land Portal Foundation is pleased to announce financial support by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to scale up work on information management and dissemination. In particular, GIZ support will go towards expanding existing and creating new thematic portfolios
11 December 2018
Colombia’s deforestation rate has been accelerating since the country’s peace accord in 2016, which formally ended a more than 50-year civil conflict. The Interfaith Rainforest Initiative in Colombia was launched in November to bring together scientists, development experts, indigenous peoples
7 December 2018
When the water reached some of Kisiwa Panza's graveyards, people found themselves scrambling to protect the remains of their friends and families KISIWA PANZA, Tanzania - First, the encroaching sea started eating away at homes and killing crops on the small island of Kisiwa Panza. Then the rising
28 November 2018
Between 2010 and 2015, forests around the Mediterranean have expanded by two per cent, but that has come at the price of significant degradation and increasing vulnerability to climate change, population pressures, wildfires and water scarcity, warned a new UN report launched on Tuesday.
22 November 2018
Bogota, 22 November 2018 – In an unprecedented and historic show of unity, leaders from every major faith tradition today joined indigenous peoples, Afro-Colombian communities, climate scientists, and NGOs in pledging to defend the Amazon and end deforestation.
12 November 2018
Show leadership to halt forest loss from agribusiness, Amsterdam Declaration group tells EU The UK, France and Germany have called on the European commission to launch tough new action to halt deforestation by the end of the year.
9 November 2018
According to research released yesterday, small-scale gold mining has led to the destruction of more than 170,000 acres of primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon over the past five years. Scientists based in Peru’s Madre de Dios region at Wake Forest University’s Center for Amazonian Scientific
30 October 2018
BOVEN DIGOEL, Indonesia — It’s a hot and humid morning, and birds and insects are chirping deep in a lush rainforest in the eastern Indonesian province of Papua. All of a sudden, the sounds are drowned out by tribal chanting and the thunder of dozens of people marching, echoing through the forest
29 October 2018
Communities made up of fugitive slave descendants have been forced from their lands and denied their rights, a situation that may only get worse under newly elected president Jair Bolsonaro. The elders gather in the entrance room of the matriarch's home and search in the recesses of their memory
12 October 2018
An unexpected High Court ruling in the German state of North Rhein Westphalia (NRW) has blocked energy giant RWE from further destruction of the Hambacher Forest for the next couple of years. The decision has been hailed as a major victory by the newly-revitalised German environmental and climate

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