Mitigating drought in drylands: Quantifying the potential for strengthening crop- and livestock-based livelihoods
Effects of local institutions on the adoption of agroforestry innovations: evidence of farmer managed natural regeneration and its implications for rural livelihoods in the Sahel
Food versus fuel: Examining tradeoffs in the allocation of biomass energy sources to domestic and productive uses in Ethiopia
Nivel de conocimiento sobre manejo forestal sostenible del poblador de la provincia de Atalaya que participó del programa de capacitación del OSINFOR, 2017
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo fundamental determinar el nivel de conocimientos sobre manejo forestal sostenible que presenta el poblador de la Provincia de Atalaya – Departamento de Ucayali, que recibió capacitación del OSINFOR, aplicando la evaluación en el año 2017. La investigación se desarrolló bajo el enfoque cuantitativo y fue sustantiva de nivel descriptivo, por lo que se aplicó un diseño no experimental de corte transversal.
Impact of carbon value on profitability of improved fallow agroforestry systems in Kigezi highlands, Uganda
The economic advantages of improved agro forestry fallow systems over traditional continuous cropping systems are important tools that can be used to influence the choice of land use options at household levels. In Kigezi highlands Uganda, the upper parts of farmers’ crop field terraces are degraded due to continuous cropping. Improved fallows are being promoted in order to increase soil productivity while increasing fuelwood production.
Aripao: Conservando el bosque, protegiendo el territorio
En el año 2000, se intensificaron las amenazas de expansión de la frontera agrícola, extracción de madera, cacería comercial y pesca masiva no controlada, creándose conflictos entre aripaeños y foráneos por el uso del bosque y sus espacios. Por ello, los comunarios del lugar iniciaron las conversaciones para concretar un Acuerdo de Conservación.
Assentamento Dois Riachões: A luta pela terra e agroecologia
O Assentamento Dois Riachões é composto por 38 famílias, com cerca de 170 pessoas e está situada no município de Ibirapitanga-BA no território Baixo Sul da Bahia no Bioma Mata Atlântica a 380 km da capital - Salvador. A Comunidade está organizada em associação, composta por uma coordenação colegiada, representantes da executiva (presidente, secretário e tesoureiro) e setores de produção (gênero, e
Making Better use of Forest Resources in Uganda - UFT UGA 043
Uganda has been monitoring its forest resources through mapping and forest inventories since the 1990s. However, the approach and frequency of data generation needs to be improved if the country is to construct a reference level compliant with the principles of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Efforts were also needed to assess forest cover change in the country.