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Land Policy in Africa: A framework of Action to Secure Land Rights, Enhance Productivity and Secure Livelihoods

January, 2006

African governments are increasingly aware that they must take the lead in land policy and
tenure reform, since political interests are at stake. A diverse array of approaches to
strengthening land rights is now emerging, and there are valuable lessons to be shared
between governments, civil society groups and land professionals. The paper is intended to provide the basis for the

Environment Policy of the Asian Development Bank

January, 2002

The Environment Policy is grounded in ADB's Poverty Reduction Strategy and the Long-Term Strategic Framework (LTSF) 2001-2015. The Poverty Reduction Strategy recognizes that environmental sustainability is a prerequisite for pro-poor economic growth and efforts to reduce poverty. Environmental sustainability is also one of the three crosscutting themes of the LTSF. The environment policy reinforces and complements the environmental issues and concerns addressed in ADB's sector and crosscutting policies.

IFAD Policy: Improving access to land and tenure security

Legislation & Policies
December, 2007

The IFAD Policy on Improving Access to Land and Tenure Security has been formulated to: (a) provide a conceptual framework for the relationship between land issues and rural poverty, acknowledging the complexity and dynamics of evolving rural realities; (b) identify the major implications of that relationship for IFAD’s strategy and programme development and implementation; (c) articulate guiding principles for mainstreaming land issues in the Fund’s main operational instruments and processes; and (d) provide the framework for the subsequent development of operational guidelines and decisio

Statutory recognition of customary land rights in Africa

Reports & Research
January, 2010

Recognizing and protecting customary land rights is a critical component of protecting and defending the land rights of the rural poor. This study is founded upon the notion that protecting and enforcing the land claims of rural Africans may be best done by passing laws that elevate existing customary land claims up into nations' formal legal frameworks and make customary land rights equal in weight and validity to documented land claims.

Land Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2003

Land policies are of fundamental importance to sustainable growth, good governance, and the well-being of, and the economic opportunities open to, both rural and urban dwellers - particularly the poor. To this end, research on land policy, and analysis of interventions related to the subject, have long been of interest to the Bank's Research Department, and other academic, and civil society institutions.

PUSHBACK: Local Power, Global Realignment

Reports & Research

If 2009 was the end of the hinterland and the beginning of a new globalized forest era, 2010 was a year of pushback. Worldwide, the news was full of reports of forest communities and Indigenous Peoples pushing back at land grabs and shaping policy at the national and global levels, and of governments countering and trying to contain community rights. Some governments and private investors accepted or even embraced the new players at the table and began to promote fairer business and conservation models.

What are the Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI) and why do they matter?

Policy Papers & Briefs
January, 2011

This brief produced for the Dialogue Initiative on Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and their Alternatives provides an overview of the Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI), developed by the World Bank, FAO, UNCTAD and IFAD in response to calls for guidelines to regulate the phenomenon of large-scale investment in land, or land grabbing.

What is the Committee on World Food Security and why does it matter?

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2010

This brief produced for the Dialogue Initiative on Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and their Alternatives provides an overview of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), the most inclusive international and intergovernmental platform to facilitate and coordinate work to ensure food security and nutrition for all.

You can get involved in the CFS through the Civil Society Mechanism. Check out to connect with your constituency and sub-regional focal points.


What are the Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and Other Natural Resources and why do they matter?

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2010

This brief produced for the Dialogue Initiative on Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and their Alternatives provides an overview of the  Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and Other Natural Resources.