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Local Government Reform Act 2014 (No. 1 of 2014).

Northern Europe

This Act provides for the significant reorganisation of local government structures and the strengthening of governance and accountability in local government. It, among other things: reformulates a new integrated county/sub-county relationship, with the establishment of a comprehensive and modern system of municipal governance; replaces the existing regional structures with new consolidated regional assemblies; provides for further devolution of functions from central level to local government.

Décret n° 15-007 du 14 avril 2015 portant création, organisation et fonctionnement de l’agence des zones économiques spéciales.

Democratic Republic of the Congo
Middle Africa

Le présent decret crée l’Agence des Zones Economiques Spéciales (AZES) et en determine les règles d’organisation et de fonctionnement. L’Agence a pour mission d’assurer l’administration, la régulation, le contrôle ainsi que le suivi des activités ayant trait à l’aménagement et à la gestion des zones économiques spéciales en République Démocratique du Congo.

National Environment Policy (NEP).

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The National Environment Policy (NEP) is a multi-sectoral instrument whose vision is to reach environmental sustainability for the Republic of Mauritius and to ensure a clean and healthy environment. The specific objectives to be attained in this field include the following: Conservation of Environmental Resources; integration of environmental concerns in economic and social development; development of environmental ethics in citizens. The policy recognizes the right of every person to a clean and healthy environment.

Decreto Supremo Nº 013/15/MINAM - Reglas para la presentación y evaluación del Informe de Identificación de Sitios Contaminados.

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba las reglas para la presentación y evaluación del Informe de Identificación de Sitios Contaminados, en base a las disposiciones complementarias para la aplicación de los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para suelo. La Autoridad Ambiental Competente en un plazo máximo de cuarenta y cinco días, contados a partir de la fecha de recepción del Informe de Identificación de Sitios Contaminados, debe realizar la evaluación y emitir el acto administrativo que determine, en caso corresponda, el inicio de la fase de caracterización.

Decreto Nº 4 - Reglamento para el manejo de lodos generados en plantas de tratamiento de aguas servidas.

South America

Las presentes disposiciones regulan el manejo de lodos provenientes de plantas de tratamiento de aguas servidas. A tal efecto, establecen la clasificación sanitaria de los lodos y las exigencias sanitarias mínimas para su manejo, además de las restricciones, requisitos y condiciones técnicas para la aplicación de lodos en determinados suelos.

Landfill Gas Management Regulation (B.C. Reg. 391/2008).

Northern America

The present Regulation enacts the Environmental Management Act. The Regulation applies to landfill sites that accept municipal solid waste for disposal into the landfill site on or after 1 January 2009. For the purpose of the present Regulation "landfill gas" means a mixture of gases generated by the decomposition of municipal solid waste; and “landfill gas management" includes the following: a) managing migration of landfill gas; b) collection of landfill gas; c) storing of landfill gas; d) flaring of landfill gas.

Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002.

Northern Europe

This Law provides for general town and country planning and provides rules relative to development in Jersey. It also provides for the protection of trees. The purpose of the Law is to conserve, protect and improve Jersey’s natural beauty, natural resources and general amenities, its character, and its physical and natural environments. An application for planning permission to carry out prescribed development under this Law shall be taken to include any environmental impact statement relating to the application prepared and provided in accordance with provisions of this Law.

Physical Planning Act, 2004 (No. 15 of 2004).

British Virgin Islands

This Act provides rules for the development of the physical environment and land-use planning in general and provides for control on such development. It establishes the Planning Authority and an Appeals Tribunal and provides for the appointment by the Governor of a Chief Planner. The Authority shall submit to the Minister a National Physical Development Plan.

Ministerial Decree on acceptability criteria for the landfill of waste.

Southern Europe

The Decree establishes the acceptability criteria to be applied to the landfill of waste in accordance with the categories specified by article 4 of Legislative Decree No. 36 of 13 January 2003. Article 2 concerns installations for inert waste; article 3 concerns installations for non hazardous waste; article 4 concerns installations for hazardous waste. Article 5 sets out acceptability crietria for underground landfill of waste.

Environment Act 1995 (Chapter 25).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

The Act consists of 125 sections divided into 5 Parts: The Environment Agency and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (I); Contaminated Land and Abandoned Mines (II); National Parks (III); Air Quality (IV); Miscellaneous, General and Supplemental Provisions (V).The Environment Agency and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency are established as a body corporate. The Environment Agency shall inherit functions of the various environment protection authorities including the National Rivers Authority and the London waste Authority, both abolished by this Act. (sect. 2).

Commonwealth Environmental Amendments Act of 1999 (P.L. 11-103).

Northern Mariana Islands

This Act amends environmental legislation of 2 CMC relating to legal proceedings, assessment and collection of penalties or fines, inspection of records, the Division of Environmental Quality Special Fund, emergency permits for disposal of waste in areas affected by typhoons or other destructive natural events.This Act allows for civil action under 2 CMC after all administrative appeal procedures are exhausted.