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Issuesland grabbingLandLibrary Resource
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Land grabbing in Madagascar. Echoes and testimonies from the field – 2013

Reports & Research
September, 2013

Includes cultural contextualization on the use of land in Madagascar; legal framework: what rights’ protection for Malagasy peasants in the framework of land grabbing and the growing commercial pressure on land?; land, one resource, many drivers – energy, mining, forestry, pharmaceutical industry, tourism. Brings out the voices and testimonies of those directly involved including local communities who are victims of these land grabs in 5 regions – Ihorombe, Sofia, Alaotra Mangoro, Analanjirofo and Itasy and on the island of Nosy Be in the Diana region.

Breaking New Ground: Investigating and Prosecuting Land Grabbing as an International Crime

Reports & Research
February, 2018

Seeks to guide investigative bodies, judges, and prosecutors engaged with the factual and legal dimensions of land grabbing, as well as advocates, political institutions and companies working to curb this phenomenon. By prosecuting even a few of the most serious instances of the crimes arising from land acquisitions, the ICC can send a strong message to corporations and governments, deterring future violation and beginning to bring justice to victims of illegitimate land seizures.

Would Cecil Rhodes have signed a Code of Conduct? Reflections on Global Land Grabbing and Land Rights in Africa, Past and Present

Reports & Research
September, 2010

Includes land grabbing in early colonial Zimbabwe and Mozambique, contemporary land grabbing, biofuels (citing IIED and Houtart), a ‘race to the bottom’ to attract investors? (citing the new World Bank report), the literature (citing Zoomers, Borras and Franco), conclusion.

Select Bibliography (1) of Reports on Biofuels, Land Rights in Africa & Global Land Grabbing, 2006-2013

Reports & Research
July, 2013

An updated (and final) select bibliography of reports on biofuels, land rights in Africa and global land grabbing. 153 organizations are cited, including the ‘top 10’ of FAO, GRAIN, IIED, the International Land Coalition, the Oakland Institute, OHCHR, Pambazuka News, SciDev.Net, TNI and the World Bank and 143 others, from ActionAid to WWF.

A Note on Papers relating to Land Grabbing in Africa at the Annual World Bank Conference on Land Policy and Administration, Washington, 26-27 April 2010

Reports & Research
May, 2010

Lists titles and authors of papers from World Bank conference most relevant to current concerns about land grabbing in Africa. Also cites the relevant URLs and gives summaries of the papers.

Select Bibliography (3) of Press Cuttings on Biofuels, Land Rights in Africa & Global Land Grabbing, 2007-2013

Reports & Research
July, 2013

An updated (and final) select bibliography of press cuttings on biofuels, land rights in Africa and global land grabbing. It is organised geographically: global, Africa general, 37 African countries and regions, Middle East, Asia, 10 Asian countries, Latin America, 5 Latin American countries with the focus always on land rights in Africa. It now runs to 157 pages.

Working on Land Grabbing, 1963-2013

Reports & Research
June, 2013

Includes academic stuff, working for Oxfam, in retirement with Mokoro, select bibliographies, among the obstacles to be overcome in confronting the global land grab – arrogance, the issue of farm size, the veil of silence, the numbers game, no level legal playing field, some final reflections.

Land – Tenure, Grabs, Gender and the Law: Report on a Mokoro Seminar

Reports & Research
December, 2011

Brief summary of 4 presentations at the Mokoro land seminar by Martin Adams (Mokoro) on FAO’s support for tenure, rights and access to land and natural resources: lessons from Mozambique; by Joseph Hanlon (LSE) on The Mozambique land grab myth; by Elizabeth Daley (Mokoro) on Current issues around gender and land; and by Joss Saunders (Oxfam) on Engaging in strategic litigation and working with lawyers on land, gender and access to justice.

Land Grabbing in Brighton

Reports & Research
May, 2011

A short account of the background to a hugely energising conference on global land grabbing held at IDS, Sussex. Over 400 people wanted to write papers for the event, but there was space for only 120. Gives details of the wide scope of the conference, including green grabs.

Select Bibliography of Reports and Press Cuttings on Land Rights in Africa and Global Land Grabbing, August 2013 – August 2017

Reports & Research
September, 2017

A 78-page list, much of it pretty grim reading. Divided into reports and press cuttings, in alphabetical order. The reports section comprises a ‘1stXI’ of Future Agricultures Consortium, GRAIN, IIED, IISD, Mokoro, Oakland Institute, Oxfam, Pambazuka News, PLAAS, RRI and TNI, followed by a further 36 from Action Aid to the World Resources Institute. The press cuttings cover Global, Africa, 31 African countries or regions from Angola to Zimbabwe, followed by Middle East, Asia and China. Countries with greatest coverage are Ethiopia, Liberia, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, and Tanzania.

A New Scramble for Africa?

Reports & Research
March, 2011

Current land grabbing in Africa very worrying and carries strong echoes of era of Cecil Rhodes. Land deals being done in secret, myth of much vacant land, willing consent of many African leaders. Biofuels moving from miracle cure to a problem. Some positive experiences in Tanzania. Need for imaginative thinking and action.