Doctoral Theses in Land Administration
A compendium of four doctoral theses on land administration.
A compendium of four doctoral theses on land administration.
In the framework of collaboration for country based case studies on land and natural resource tenure security in Eastern and Southern Africa by the University of Nairobi/ Centre for Urban Research and Innovation, a case study was conducted in Burundi. Data collection was based mainly on literature review of legal texts and all studies realized in the area of land tenure and natural resources in Burundi, and field visits. This paper presents only the synthesis of the information and data collected on land, water, mines and forests.
An Act to make provision for the acquisition of certain farmlands in the occupation of persons other than their owners and for the regrant of lands so acquired.
An Act to provide for the compulsory acquisition of lands for public purposes and in connection with housing schemes.
An Act to provide for the preservation and protection of sites and articles of archaeological, historical or natural interest and for related matters.
A recent surge in agribusiness plantation deals has increased pressures on land in many low- and middle-income countries. Rural people have mobilised to protect their rights, seek better terms or oppose the deals altogether. Since 2014, an initiative in Cameroon, Ghana and Senegal has worked to help people harness the law in order to have greater control over decisions that affect them – a process commonly referred to as legal empowerment.
An Act to make provision for investment in Tanzania, to provide for more favourable conditions for investors, and for related matters.
An Act to amend certain Written Laws The
An Act to amend certain written laws.
Over the last decade, there have been considerable concerns raised regarding the social and environmental impacts of large-scale land concessions for plantation development in various parts of the world, especially in the tropics, including in Laos and Cambodia. However, there is still much to learn about the various connections and interactions associated with reactions to what are often referred to as “land grabs”, and the ways they are associated or not associated with broader social movements and networks opposed to land grabbing.
Synergies among land institutions and institutional changes impact on land markets and in guaranteeing agro-based employment, capital injection, local economic development and infrastructural improvement. Increasingly, these institutions have come under pressure and there are concerns about their functional capacities and implications on land markets. This paper discusses institutional synergies and its impacts on customary land markets under large-scale land acquisitions for agro-investments in Ghana.
Under Vietnam’s State land ownership regime, the Government holds supreme authority over compulsory land acquisition. The results show that many improvements in land acquisition policies have been made, but poor implementation measures largely cannot prevent or even mitigate the adverse impacts on displaced persons. In particular, ineffective compensation measures and a lack of production land and livelihood alternatives accelerate the resistance of communities displaced as a result of hydropower development.