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Land Use in Kenya; The case for a national land-use policy

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2015

This book exposes the key land use and environmental problems facing Kenya today due to lack of an appropriate national land use policy. The publication details how the air is increasingly being polluted, the water systems are diminishing in quantity and deteriorating in quality. The desertification process threatens the land and its cover. The soils are being eroded leading to siltation of the ocean and lakes. The forests are being depleted with impunity thus destroying the water catchments.

Food Security and Land Governance Factsheet Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
July, 2015

In Kenya, insecure land tenure and inequitable access to land, forest and water resources have contributed to conflict and violence, which has in turn exacerbated food insecurity. To address these interlinked problems, a new set of laws and policies on food security and land governance are currently being introduced or designed by the Government of Kenya. The new Food Security Bill explicitly recognizes the link between food security and land access, and the 2012 land laws target the corrupt system of land administration that made much of Kenya’s land grabbing possible.

India: Land Governance Country Narrative (Full Report)

Reports & Research
June, 2017

Land is an important source of identity and a precious asset with significant emotional connection in India. It is also the main source of rural and feudal power structure for most of India’s history. Land is a symbol of social status, cultural identity and an expression of political power. The value of land is deeply ingrained in the consciousness and well-being of the poor farmers and indigenous communities who make up a substantial portion of India’s total population.

Trends in forest ownership, forest resource tenure and institutional arrangements: are they contributing to better forest management and poverty reduction?

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2005

This FAO study document provides information on formal and legal basis of  forests and forest management types in Odisha along with trends and changes; describes status and impact of forest management regimes including JFM, CFM and mainstream forest management; delineates lesson learnt and future challenges.

Fiscalização de Florestas e Fauna Bravia em Moçambique

Reports & Research
February, 2003

Neste relatório apresenta- se o levantamento sobre a fiscal ização florestal e faunística no passado e presente, sugerem - se medidas para melhorar a fiscalização e formas de participação dos interve nientes do sector nesta actividade.Há uma grande diferença entre o que a lei florestal estabelece como prática a seguir na exploração, uso e conservação das flo res tas com o que se passa no terreno.

Supporting small forest enterprises

Reports & Research
November, 2009

IIED’s Forest Team engagement with Mozambique began in January 2002, with a two year policy support process to the multi-donor ProAgri programme based at the then Direcção Nacional de Florestas e Fauna Bravia (DNFFB) – later to become the Direcção Nacional de Terras e Florestas (DNTF) – the national directorate of land and forests. At that time, the main legal frameworks had only just come into being, with the 1997 Land Law, the 1999 Forestry and Wildlife Law and the 2002 forest regulations.

O impacto da exploração florestal no desenvolvimento das comunidades locais nas áreas de exploração dos recursos faunísticos na província de Nampula

Reports & Research
May, 2014

A província nortenha de Nampula é rica em recursos naturais, com especial enfoque para os recursos florestais, explorados há vários anos por operadores nacionais e estrangeiros. Ao abrigo do quadro jurídico-legal sobre as florestas, deu-se início, a partir de 2005, a implementação da obrigação de canalização de 20% das taxas de exploração florestal e faunística, para as comunidades locais das áreas de exploração dos recursos naturais.

Plantações florestais e a instrumentalização do estado em Moçambique

Reports & Research
June, 2017

A entrada de capital estrangeiro no sector de plantações florestais em Moçambique, referido como parte da estratégia do governo para impulsionar o desenvolvimento rural, tem resultado num incremento de procura e ocupação de terras, especialmente na região centro e norte do país, e na alteração da distribuição do principal meio de produção das populações rurais a favor do capital.

Wood-Based Biomass Energy Development for Sub-Saharan Africa

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
September, 2011
Sub-Saharan Africa

Nearly half the world's population and about 81 percent of Sub-Saharan African (SSA) households rely on wood-based biomass energy (fuel wood and charcoal) for cooking. This degree of reliance is far greater than in any other region. While the use of biomass fuels in China, India and much of the developing world has peaked or will do so in the near future, SSA's consumption will either remain at very high levels or even grow over the next few decades.

Lessons Learned for REDD+ from PES and Conservation Incentive Programs

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
December, 2012
Latin America and the Caribbean

Mexico, Costa Rica, and Ecuador have substantial experience with implementing payments for ecosystem services (PES) and conservation incentive programs. Yet, many aspects of their experiences remain poorly understood and will require special attention in any new or expanded use of these types of incentives.


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
July, 2009
Eastern Asia

The Country Environmental Analysis (CEA) for Timor-Leste identifies environmental priorities through a systematic review of environmental issues in natural resources management and environmental health in the context of the country's economic development and environmental institutions. Lack of data has been the main limitation in presenting a more rigorous analysis. Nevertheless, the report builds on the best available secondary data, presents new data on the country's wealth composition, and derives new results on the costs of water and air pollution.