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Increase the use of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure among CSOs and Grassroots Organizations - Myanmar - Côte d’Ivoire - Guinea

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2018
Côte d'Ivoire

The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) set out internationally-accepted principles and standards for responsible practices, providing a framework for governments, the private sector and civil society to use when developing policies and programmes for improving food security.

FAO Policy Series: Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests

November, 2016

The daily food and incomes of billions of people, particularly the rural poor, are determined by their access to land, fisheries and forests. Societies decide and regulate access to these resources through systems of tenure. Paul Munro-Faure, Deputy Director and Francesco Romano, Land Tenure Officer of the FAO Partnership, Advocacy and Capacity Development Division explain how supporting responsible governance of tenure is critical to achieving food security and allowing families to invest in sustainable production. They describe the FAO policy work, including key policy messages.

Relatorio Anual de Governação Ambiental - 2018

Reports & Research
February, 2018

O CTV iniciou em 2010 o estudo, análise e monitoria do estado da governação na gestão do ambiente e recursos naturais em Moçambique, culminando com a elaboração de uma serie de relatórios anuais sobre governação ambiental (RAGA), cuja primeira edição foi publicada em Janeiro de 2012. Esta publicação tem como objectivo contribuir para a boa governação na gestão do ambiente e dos recursos naturais e promover maior justiça social, equidade e sustentabilidade no seu acesso pelos cidadãos, principalmente os das zonas rurais.

OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector

Manuals & Guidelines
January, 2017

This guide provides a practical framework for identifying and managing risks with regard to stakeholder engagement activities to ensure companies play a role in avoiding and addressing adverse impacts as defined in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The guidance also includes an assessment framework for industry to evaluate their stakeholder engagement performance and targeted guidance for specific stakeholder groups such as indigenous peoples, women, workers and artisanal and small scale miners.

SA Urban Conference 2018

Conference Papers & Reports
June, 2019
South Africa

The second national Urban Conference took place on 30 and 31 October 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa. It was convened by the South African Cities Network (SACN) in partnership with the national departments of cooperative governance (COGTA), human settlements (DHS) and finance (National Treasury); the South Africa Local Government Association (SALGA), SA Council for Planners (SACPLAN), ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, and the Gauteng Provincial Government.

The State of the Expanded Public Works Programme in South African Cities

Conference Papers & Reports
June, 2019
South Africa

The South African Cities Network (SACN) EPWP Reference Group is a peer-based platform, comprising key city officials responsible for implementing the EPWP in their respective cities. This collective has continued to meet quarterly over the 2017/18 period, providing a forum in which experiences and knowledge are exchanged. The Reference Group continues to contribute to enhancing coordination between the cities and other role players towards the effective and synergistic implementation of the EPWP.

Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2019: Outcome Statement

Reports & Research
Conference Papers & Reports
May, 2019

In the face of the climate crisis and threats to food security, a safe water supply and biodiversity, GLF Bonn 2019 sought to hear the voices of Indigenous Peoples, local communities, women and youth – all of those with the greatest stake in confronting such global challenges. The forum did not avoid identifying hurdles, most of which stem from conflicting rights and interests, that hinder cooperation to rapidly secure the rights to a healthy life for present and future generations.

How Should the ‘Ndung’u’ Report Recommendations be Implemented? - What Kenyans Say.

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2004

The report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Illegal/Irregular Allocation of Public Land is finally out! Popularly known as the ‘Ndung’u’ Report, the publication of this three-volume document is important to the Kenya Land Alliance for two major reasons. Firstly, the appointment of the Coordinator of the Kenya Land Alliance to the Commission marked a threshold in the relations between KLA and the Government of Kenya.

Strengthening Women's Voices in the Context of Agriclutural Investments: Lessons From Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2016

This report, which focuses on Kenya, constitutes one of four country-wide assessments produced under the overall project. It draws on a literature review conducted by the Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) with additional inputs from IIED, as well as on primary field research conducted by KLA in April 2016 (see Section 1.2 for further information about the research methodology).

Unjust Enrichment-The Making of Land Grabbing Millionaires-Living Large Series

Policy Papers & Briefs
June, 2006

The illegal and irregular allocations of public land as chronicled in the Ndungu Report amount to a rip-off that dwarfs the Goldenberg and Anglo-Leasing scandals. Our analysis in this first issue in the series covers Karura, Ngong Road and Kiptagich forests and suggests a loss of public resources in excess of Ksh.18.4 billion. The Ndungu Report covers ten other forests as well as other public land, ranging from road reserves to cemeteries to public toilets and even State House land. As we cover these in future issues of the series, the cumulative loss will certainly be astounding.