Missed an interesting event or property rights? Find out the headlines and information about any past events or conferences.
Land and Resource Rights for Economic Growth
Hundreds of millions of people around the world lack recognition of their rights to the land they live and depend on. Without legal recognition or basic documentation, people cannot plan for the future or invest in their land, even if they have lived and worked on it for decades.
First Arab Land Conference
The Government of the United Arab Emirates in partnership with the World Bank, the Global Land Tool Network, UN-Habitat, the Arab League and the Arab Union of Surveyors heldthe first Arab Land Conference that will be hosted by the Dubai Land Department and held in Dubai, UAE, from 26-28 /February/2018.
India Land And Development Conference 2018
Following up the success of the 1st India Land and Development Conference, this second Annual Conference aims to further this Land-platform to connect local and global issues and discourses and focus conversations on how technology, decentralization, innovation and capacity contribute to improve land governance in India. Over three days, this one of its kind national event on land will catalyse connections among stakeholders, discourses and ideas and promote sharing of good practices, experiences, evidences, issues and challenges. With participants converging from different geographies, sectors and land-disciplines, ILDC2018 will provide a fertile ground to stimulate dialogues, partnerships and networks around land and development in India.
Webinar: Closing the enforcement gap: A Practice Guide for Environment Justice Paralegals
Join us online on February 7th to discuss the Practice Guide for Environmental Justice Paralegals and learn how paralegals and communities can use the law to address environmental harms.
Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF 9)
The New Urban Agenda was adopted in October 2016 at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development – Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador. It is a result of a unique consensus among all participating states. The document sets out a common vision and global standards for urban development in the coming decades.
Land Tenure and Property Rights MOOC 3.0
Registration for USAID’s Land Tenure and Property Rights Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is open through April 15th, 2018. Enroll today!
Rights to land and resources are at the center of our most pressing development issues: economic growth, food security, conflict, urbanization, gender equality, climate chan
9th ESP World Conference on Ecosystem Services
The 9th World Conference of the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) will be held in Shenzhen, China 11-15 December 2017. The conference will facilitate a broad range of topics on the latest state-of-the-art on the science, policy and practice of Ecosystem Services.
Adapting to Climate Change: Community Based Adaptation in Multi-Stakeholder LandScapes
Climate change is amongst the most prominent developmental issues today. As a result, large amounts of capital are being made available to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity of climate-vulnerable people, particularly in the global South.
Rights and Value: Rural Valuation Tool Helps Communities Determine Land Value on Their Terms
Promoting Gender Equality in Agricultural Investments in Land in Africa
Women account for 60–80 per cent of smallholder farmers and comprise the largest percentage of the workforce in the agricultural sector. Inequalities between women and men in access to land, productive resources, income-generating activities and public consultation spaces seriously undermine women’s capacity to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
IV Reunião Nordestina de Ciência do Solo (Brasil)
A Comissão Organizadora da IV Reunião Nordestina de Ciência do Solo já definiu a data do evento, que ocorrerá entre os dias 27 a 30/11/2017 na cidade de Teresina, PI. Segundo o Coordenador do evento, o Dr.
Colloque international sur le Pastoralisme dans le Courant des changements Globaux (P2CG 2017)
Le pastoralisme contribue de manière prépondérante à l’économie et à l’écologie des zones arides et semi-arides qui couvrent plus de 40% des terres émergées de la planète. L’activité pastorale pratiquée par les sociétés d’éleveurs sur une grande diversité de milieux et d’espèces, contribue notoirement à la sécurité alimentaire et aux moyens de vie de millions de ruraux.