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DataData storiesData Stories from the Land Portal

Data Stories from the Land Portal

Displaying 1 - 12 of 13

Data Compatibility in Linking Land Degradation and Tenure Security

11 October 2022
Daniel Hayward

In the Three Rivers gazetted forest of northern Benin, the start of the agricultural season is a frequent hotspot of conflict between local communities and forest officials. 

It is at this moment when demands are made for forest fees giving permission for residents to cultivate fields or graze their livestock. Yet this is exactly when farmers experience a financial squeeze in preparing their land and obtaining inputs to start the new season.

The Voluntary Guidelines: A Data Deficit?

04 October 2022
Daniel Hayward
This data story scrutinises some of the impacts of the VGGT. It highlights available data on how the VGGTs have been used, how associated project work incorporates the guidelines, and whether implementation has resulted in tangible change in the security of land tenure for communities around the world.

A Story about Maize: Tracing a value chain from land-use to supermarket shelf

13 May 2022
Daniel Hayward


Maize is a key global cash crop, produced in every continent except Antarctica. As a flex crop, it has multiple uses including for direct human consumption, as an ingredient for animal feed, as a key component in processed foods, or in ethanol production. According to figures from FAOSTAT, global production increased from 0.2 to 1.2 billion tons between 1961 and 2020.

New Data Story: Communities, Carbon and the Climate Crisis

01 February 2022

Indigenous Peoples and local communities have successfully stewarded biodiversity rich landscapes for generations, helping to conserve and protect forests and other critical ecosystems while pursuing their own self determined priorities and livelihood needs. However, in the absence of legally recognized rights to their lands and forests, forest communities face an increasing array of threats from growing local and global demand for land and resources.

Deforestation in Cambodia: A story of land concessions, migration and resource exploitation

24 September 2021
Daniel Hayward
Jean-Christophe Diepart

Since the turn of the century, 27,000 km2 of land in Cambodia has been deforested. This is 14.8% of total land area in the country. It also represents 26.4% of forest cover as existed in 2000.

An acceleration in deforestaton is seen from the early 2000s to 2010. For the land‐grab aficionado, the trend runs parallel to the ‘global land rush’ and mirrors the evolution of agricultural commodites prices.

New Geographies of Climate Vulnerability

03 August 2021

Mining in the context of climate of climate change brings new challenges to the industry and exacerbates already existing sustainability problems. This Datastory highlights some of these tensions while pointing towards emerging best practice. The findings are based on document analysis and semi-structure structured interviews with corporate representatives from the 37 largest mining companies in the world.




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