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Countries South Africa related Blog post

South Africa

Displaying 49 - 60 of 78
12 May 2022
Nick Vink and Johann Kirsten Most countries in both the rich and the developing world have some sort of programme to help early career farmers (mostly, but not exclusively young people) to get established in a farming or agribusiness enterprise. South Africa sticks out like a sore thumb, even…
28 April 2022
Rick de Satge
Colonial and apartheid land dispossession in South Africa was the most extensive of any country in sub-saharan Africa. Despite a land reform programme initiated after the transition to democracy in 1994, equitable access to land remains an unresolved question in both urban and rural areas. Land…
28 April 2022
Dr. Rick de Satge
L'Afrique du Sud a connu la dépossession foncière la plus importante de tous les pays d'Afrique subsaharienne sous la colonisation et l'apartheid. Malgré un programme de réforme foncière lancé après la transition vers la démocratie en 1994, l'accès équitable à la terre reste une question non…
29 March 2022
Louise du Plessis
In South Africa, traditional leaders had the unilateral power to enter into mining agreements without consulting or obtaining the consent of affected communities. But in 2018, a landmark judgement ruled that a community’s consent was required after recognising them as the lawful occupiers of their…
29 March 2022
Amaelle Seigneret, Nathaniah Jacobs
In this new blog series Practitioners’ Perspectives: Responding to the Challenges of Land-Based Investment Governance, we invite rights defenders and practitioners to reflect on their strategies to push for more responsible and sustainable investments, on why and how they have developed them,…
6 August 2021
Monica de Souza Louw
By Monica de Souza Louw, Land and Accountability Research Centre (LARC), University of Cape Town * This piece was originally published as part of the online discussion on customary law in Southern Africa Does the South African Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act (TKLA) allow traditional leaders…
2 July 2021
Miss Teddy Kisembo
The session addressed the impacts of land-based investments on poor and vulnerable people in the Global South. It facilitated an exchange of knowledge about the strategies that are employed on the ground to strengthen the position of these groups when it comes to negotiating for their interests…
22 June 2021
Ben Cousins
By Ben Cousins, Emeritus Professor, Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of the Western Cape * This article originally appeared in the The Conversation on 22 June 2021 In a landmark judgment a South African high court has declared that people living on customary…
31 May 2021
Escrito por Matthew Maganga | Traduzido por Camilla Sbeghen   A África do Sul é um país dinâmico e em constante evolução - que nos últimos anos viu o surgimento de marcos que alcançaram reconhecimento global. Na Cidade do Cabo, há a exclusiva fachada do Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa do…
20 January 2021
Yuliya Panfil, Ms. Ailey Kaiser Hughes, Stephanie Sampson
Land technology is moving at warp speed. How will the Biden administration and Samantha Power ensure women benefit? Today Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States. The change of administration will bring radical shifts in the United States’ foreign and domestic policy and…
20 November 2020
Ms. Laura Meggiolaro, Dr. Mark Napier
Twenty six years after South Africa’s first democratic election, land issues remain a point of contention, from land reforms to expropriation without compensation. Given the primacy of this issue in South Africa, it begs the question of what is the state of land information in South Africa? Do…
17 September 2020
Por Hermenegildo Langa Em África, muitas preocupações em torno da exploração de terra são semelhantes, sobretudo a necessidade de evitar conflitos assegurando a posse segura pelas comunidades. O Ruanda é um dos exemplos a seguir, mas há outras experiências, boas e más, sobre as quais vale a pena…