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Countries Mozambique related Organization


Displaying 37 - 48 of 49
Mozambique based local land service providers and consultants
Mozambique has the potential to be a major supplier of baobab powder and oil and Baobab Products Mozambique is leading the way. We are bringing high quality organically certified products to national and international markets while making sure that the benefits from this trade are shared fairly…
We work very closely with MICAIA Foundation, providing business development services to some of MICAIA’s economic livelihoods work. These services include feasibility studies, market research, business planning, technical training, management, marketing and distribution. In some cases we mobilize…
Maputo (city)
Rua da Resistência, 1175 Maputo Maputo (city) Mozambique
The Republic of Mozambique is located in South East Africa, and Caritas Mozambique is an entity of the Catholic Church in the country, which defines itself as “a driving force of charity, based in the community, which seeks to promote the integral development of all men and women.” It consists of…
The mission of the Agriculture Promotion Centre (Centro de Promoção da Agricultura (CEPAGRI)) is to make underteake economic analysis to support policy decisions and guide investments in strategic areas in agriculture; to identify and promote opportunities for investments and good practices in…
Maputo (city)
R Pereira Marinho 179 Maputo Maputo (city) Mozambique
The Iniciativa de Terras Comunitarias Foundation (iTC-F) is a non-profit Mozambican National Institution dedicated to the protection of community rights over land and other natural resources. ITC-F's mission is to complement the Government's efforts to implement the Land Law with regard to the…
Rua de Mutatéia n.º 1572 Maputo Mozambique
The Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária (Centre for Legal and Judicial Training, CFJJ) is an organism under subordination of the Ministry of Justice. It was created in the year of 1997 (Decreto n.º34/97 de 21 de Outubro), started working in 2000 and it was inaugurated by the Former President…
“Toda a Universidade Católica, enquanto Universidade, é uma comunidade académica que, dum modo rigoroso e crítico, contribui para a defesa e desenvolvimento da dignidade humana e para a herança cultural mediante a investigação, o ensino e os diversos serviços prestados às comunidades locais,…
1099 14th Street NW, Suite 700 Washington United States
MCC sought to increase productivity, income generation and poverty reduction in the northern provinces of Mozambique by improving water and sanitation, roads, land tenure, and agriculture.
Independent platform for registering and administering legally-acquired use and benefit rights over land in Mozambique
Maputo Mozambique
O Observatório do Meio Rural (OMR) é uma pessoa colectiva de direito privado sem fins lucrativos, dotada de personalidade jurídica e com autonomia administrativa, financeira e patrimonial. Registada na Conservatória do Registo das Entidades Legais sob o Número Único de Entidade Legal 100274736, com…
Oikos (Oikos)
A Oikos: Família e Sociedade em debate, revista com periodicidade semestral, avaliada como A2 no Qualis Capes, destina-se à disseminação de trabalhos científicos inéditos desenvolvidos na área de conhecimento das Ciências Humanas e Ciências Sociais Aplicadas que proponham contribuições teóricas,…