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Countries Mozambique related Blog post


Displaying 37 - 48 of 72
4 April 2022
The Land Portal published a new country portfolio for Mozambique as part of our Country Insights initiative.  The initiative seeks to expand knowledge about how countries govern their land, the challenges they face and the innovative solutions they find to manage land tenure issues.    Mozambique…
5 July 2021
Marja Spierenburg
This session was inspired by the Idai and Kenneth cyclones that hit Mozambique in 2019, as well as military instability in the north of the country, resulting in massive displacements. In this session, presenters discussed the consequences of and prospects for resettlement legislation and…
2 May 2021
David Matsinhe
By David Matsinhe for the Daily Maverick.  Originally posted at:   To understand the roots of the insurgency in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado province, one has to look at how Maputo, in pursuit of coal and gas wealth, has…
19 April 2021
Governo vem adotando posicionamento favorável à promoção dos interesses privados em detrimento do exercício do seu papel de proteger efetivamente os direitos das populações no país. Por Isabella Lamas*   A violência armada de contestação do estado moçambicano, que teve início há três anos nas…
30 March 2021
Nzira Deus denuncia a usurpação de terras e a violência em Moçambique e compartilha estratégias feministas para a organização e transformação.       Por Nzira Deus       Em Moçambique, não é possível falar sobre as condições de vida em que se encontram as mulheres sem falar sobre a…
4 March 2021
Secure land and resource rights are critical for household wellbeing and livelihoods in many developing countries, where land is the principal asset for the rural poor. Despite women’s vital role in food production, they are less likely than men to own and control land. Forty percent of the world’s…
15 October 2020
Mr. Simon Norfolk, Maria Muianga
This is the story of how dozens of communities in Mozambique are mapping and documenting their own land rights. "A New Hope" is the winner of the Land Portal's Second Data Story Contest, and is authored by the team at Terra Firma Mozambique.      
13 May 2020
Foto: Nuno Ibra Remane/Flickr   A falta de acesso à posse de terra urbana é uma das possíveis causas da expansão e formação das chamadas favelas, presentes nas grandes metrópoles do Sul Global. As favelas geralmente estão localizadas em zonas de risco, tais como em morros ou nas beiras de canais…
12 July 2019
Mina Manuchehri
Our sugar is made from sugarcane. And sugarcane is not planted in trees or in the air, it’s planted in the ground, in the soil, on land. It’s the bedrock of our investment. —Illovo Land Champion As the above quote illustrates, land has always been an essential element of business for Illovo Sugar…
2 July 2019
Mina Manuchehri
In recent years, numerous companies have made commitments to better recognize and respect land rights throughout their supply chains. Although making such commitments is a critical first step towards achieving more responsible investments, many companies still struggle with how to practically…
7 June 2019
Scott Schang
In the past decade, significant international attention focused on “land grabs” in developing countries by companies and others hungry for land to grow food and procure resources for the world’s growing population. Tens of millions of acres of land in Africa, Asia, and Latin America were acquired…
28 May 2019
olajide ogunnaike
This story was submitted as part of our recent Data Stories Contest and was the recipient of the first prize. The original story can be found here.