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Countries Sri Lanka related News

Sri Lanka

Displaying 1 - 12 of 37
30 December 2022
ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka’s agriculture authorities are planning to grab 14,000 acres of paddy, violating property rights of the owners claiming that there are ‘fallow’ and give them ‘young persons’ to cultivate them, a report said, recalling Zimbabwe style land reform. The plan to take-over 14,000…
13 December 2022
Attempts to re-expropriate assets of Sri Lanka’s privatized commercial plantations on the pretext of being under-utilized will undermine property rights and discourage investors, officials and analysts said. Sri Lanka’s privatized plantations which are on 50-year lease have only 70,000 hectares of…
13 November 2022
Main photo: Proposed site for the sugar factory A decades-long struggle that farmers have been waging against multinationals angling to acquire thousands of acres of lush state agricultural land in Bibile for a sugar factory is continuing. Farmer A.M. Gunabanda says a proposed sugarcane project…
26 September 2022
Foto: Felix Mittermeier - Creative Commons Licence A biodiversidade constitui um elemento essencial em nossos ecossistemas globais e fornece a base para práticas agrícolas e produção de alimentos. É essencial para o nosso bem-estar e segurança alimentar, mas muitas vezes é ameaçado pelas nossas…
19 September 2022
Muslims are ‘not officially recognised’ as internally displaced and receive little government help to resettle after 26 years of civil war, activists say Despite growing Muslim population, some fear reprisal by Tamils if they try to ‘reclaim’ their place in the country Main photo: Rasika Rajabdi (…
18 June 2022
Main photo: Sri Lanka facing worst economic crisis (file photo-representational photo). Photo by AP/PTI. Sri Lanka’s army established its Green Agriculture Steering Committee (GASC) to supplement and promote the food security programme in the country facing worst economic crisis. The Sri Lanka Army…
7 June 2022
A new report identifies the main threats to biodiversity in Sri Lanka — river diversion, habitat loss, pollution, invasive species, overexploitation, and climate change — as well as updates the catalog of the island’s wealth of plant and animal life. The 6th National Report to the Convention on…
11 May 2022
Nairobi/Rome, le 11 mai 2022. Alors que la guerre en Ukraine fait grimper les prix des aliments, des carburants et des engrais à des niveaux record et menace la sécurité alimentaire dans bon nombre des pays les plus pauvres du monde, le Fonds international de développement agricole (FIDA), un…
11 May 2022
April and May 2022 will be remembered as the most important months in the post-independence era. During this short period the much hoped for people’s awakening expressed itself powerfully. People who wielded authority failed to see the writing on the wall although the wall was just next to the…
22 March 2022
COLOMBO (IDN) — As land forgery continues unabated in Sri Lanka, something has to be done to prevent the prevalent rate of land fraud, with legal owners and innocent buyers unknowingly falling into these traps. According to news sources, the Registrar General N C Withanage had said, as far back…
27 November 2021
Govt. has declared our ancestral lands as wildlife reserve areas, say farmers In Chundikulam village, located on the eastern tip of Jaffna Peninsula, farmers are facing a peculiar challenge. They are unable to access their lands in which they have recently sowed vegetables. “Border stones of the…
12 November 2021
ECONOMYNEXT – Land owned by Sri Lanka railways will be offered for private developers for investment, Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa said presenting a budget speech. “I propose to obtain investments through public-private partnerships and local and international sources to implement mixed…