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Countries India related News


Displaying 49 - 60 of 337
25 November 2020
Sandwiched between China and India, the tiny Himalayan nation of Bhutan is feeling the squeeze as its giant neighbours square up for supremacy. A close ally of India, Bhutan got a shock when China made sudden new claims in the summer - over a wildlife sanctuary in the east of the country, on land…
24 November 2020
In a new study, researchers say that land inequality is rising in most countries. Worse, new measures and analysis proves that land inequality is significantly higher than previously recorded, with data reporting a 41 percent increase compared to traditional census data. The report, Uneven Ground…
19 November 2020
Os Prêmios de Inovação para Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Secretário-Geral da Commonwealth foram lançados para reconhecer e celebrar as contribuições que os inovadores nos setores público, privado e sem fins lucrativos estão fazendo no avanço das metas de desenvolvimento sustentável nos países da…
28 October 2020
An 83-year-old Jesuit priest imprisoned in India on accusations of terrorism has been targeted because of his defense of indigenous people's land rights, church and human rights leaders say. Fr. Stan Swamy, who is from India's Jamshedpur province, has worked among indigenous people, known…
14 September 2020
Índia e China se engajaram em uma temporada de confrontos, provocações e desentendimentos na região contestada de Ladakh, no Himalaia. Quais as chances de conflito militar e quais grupos têm interesse na deterioração das relações entre as duas potências nucleares?   No dia 15 de junho deste…
9 July 2020
Oxfam International warned Thursday that up to 12,000 people could die each day by the end of the year as a result of hunger linked to the coronavirus pandemic—a daily death toll surpassing the daily mortality rate from Covid-19 itself. April saw the highest global daily mortality rate for Covid-19…
3 July 2020
Namgyal Durbuk knows the steep mountainous terrain of Ladakh like the back of his hand. But in the 45 years he has lived here, along the Indian state’s volatile and poorly defined border with neighbouring China, he has watched Indian land disappear before his eyes. “The Indian government is lying…
29 April 2020
Após o COVID-19, o próximo desafio da Índia poderá ser o ataque de gafanhotos de tamanho gigantesco neste verão. Fontes oficiais disseram que o governo estava se preparando para uma "guerra de duas frentes" - uma que estava em andamento contra as infecções pelo COVID-19 e outra para garantir a…
7 March 2020
A principal bandeira do 8 de março no país é a defesa da Constituição contra o avanço do nacionalismo hindu   “A ideia de que o hinduísmo é uma religião pacífica não passa de um mito”. É sob essa premissa que a historiadora Charu Gupta, professora da Universidade de Delhi, analisa a violência de…
5 February 2020
Assam's 2019 land policy seeks to allocate land to landless indigenous people - but does not specify who is indigenous GUWAHATI, India, Feb 5 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Millions of migrants and tribal people in India's northeastern Assam state could be denied land because of a new definition…
17 January 2020
A government plan to use common land for industrial development in the Punjab could deny land rights to Dalits, say activists BANGKOK, Jan 17 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Protests have flared in the Indian state of Punjab over a government plan to use common land for industrial development, a…
10 January 2020
La indígena Jam Bai, una agricultora de la aldea de Korchi, en el oeste de India, está afanada. Tras dos meses de espera, la lluvia finalmente llegó y debe sembrar en apenas unos días los retoños en sus arrozales, mientras la tierra aún está suave. El 3 de agosto, aenas unos días antes de que IPS…