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Countries Ethiopia related Blog post


Displaying 1 - 12 of 21
16 November 2023
In this Data Story we review the literature and experiences on land reforms in Africa, and particularly on land formalization, to enquire: have they delivered on the promise for more land tenure security, agricultural productivity and women's land access? The story first provides some background…
16 November 2023
Dans cet artcle, nous passons en revue la littérature et les expériences sur les réformes foncières en Afrique, et en particulier sur la formalisation des terres, afin de répondre à la question suivante : ont-elles tenu leurs promesses en matière de sécurité foncière, de productivité agricole et d…
16 November 2023
Nesta história de dados, analisamos a literatura e as experiências sobre reformas agrárias na África e, particularmente, sobre a formalização dos sistemas fundiários, para fazer a seguinte pergunta: as reformas agrárias cumpriram a promessa de aumentar a segurança da posse da terra, a…
16 November 2023
En esta Historia de Datos repasamos la bibliografía y las experiencias sobre las reformas agrarias en África, y en particular sobre la formalización de la tierra, para preguntarnos: ¿han cumplido la promesa de aumentar la seguridad de la tenencia de la tierra, la productividad agrícola y el acceso…
11 July 2023
Sahar El Jallad
Good Land Governance is a governance system that aims to protect the property rights of individuals and enterprises based on following good governance principles like accountability, transparency, the rule of law, effectiveness, efficiency, equality and public participation (Espinoza et al, 2016;…
24 October 2022
The spillover effect that brought the big smiles of the rural women  By Mesai Mitiku (GIZ) Gish Abay refers to the source of one of the most important and longest rivers in the world, the Blue Nile (Abay). It is located in the agricultural communities of the Sekela Woreda, West Gojjam Zone of…
29 March 2022
Daniel Behailu, Nathaniah Jacobs
In Ethiopia, pastoralist communities and other communal land users face significant threats due to government policies which favour large-scale land investments and erode communal land rights. Here, Daniel Behailu and Nathaniah Jacobs discuss the importance of developing laws that recognise and…
17 August 2021
Ethiopia Project Responsible Land Policy
There are 278 smallholder farmers in Selama Kebele in the Benishangul-Gumuz Region of western Ethiopia. On average, these farmers own 2 - 10 hectares of land. Smallholder farmer Abdulahi Mohammod, age 48, is one of them. To provide for his thirteen children and two wives, he cultivates 6 hectares…
2 July 2021
Dominique Schmid
PhD research provides key inputs to strengthen our knowledge base on land access, land governance and challenges related to development, crisis and resilience. This is why LANDac reserves a special place in the programme to discuss their contributions. In the first PhD session of the conference,…
2 July 2021
Dominique Schmid
  La recherche doctorale fournit des éléments clés pour renforcer notre base de connaissances sur l'accès à la terre, la gouvernance foncière et les défis liés au développement, aux crises et à la résilience. C'est pourquoi LANDac réserve une place spéciale dans le programme pour discuter de leurs…
3 May 2021
Prof. Cheryl Doss, Dr. Vanya Slavchevska
Advancing women’s land rights is a priority for the international development agenda. Yet, there is no consensus on which rights should be monitored and reported. Three indicators of women’s property rights are widely used in the literature. Each captures a different aspect of women’s land rights,…
4 March 2021
Secure land and resource rights are critical for household wellbeing and livelihoods in many developing countries, where land is the principal asset for the rural poor. Despite women’s vital role in food production, they are less likely than men to own and control land. Forty percent of the world’s…