Join us for the second webinar on Land IT Toolkit and Strategic Technology Decision-making. In this second webinar, MCC and Esri will facilitate a discussion on Land IT System Design Decision Making and Emerging Trends focusing on the sustainability of new Land Records and Transactions (LRT)…
16 November, 2023 14:00-15:30 GMT | 15:00-16:30 CET
Land is not just geography; it's a tapestry of culture, heritage, and social relations. As custodians of ancestral will and ethos, traditional authorities in many African countries hold significant influence over this landscape. As…
International Institute for Environment and Development, Land Portal Foundation, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, Namati, ILC Africa
Pour faciliter une meilleure compréhension des enjeux et débats sur les politiques foncières dans les pays du Sud, le Comité technique « Foncier et développement » (CTFD) a conçu et développé avec ses membres un MOOC sur la base des connaissances et expériences accumulées depuis plus de vingt ans…
Agence Française de Développement, Comité Technique 'Foncier et développement'
2 e 3 de novembro de 2023, 10h00 (GMT)
Sala 1, CES | Alta + Online
O projeto MARGINS, Pessoas, arroz e mangais nas periferias: Interfaces híbridas em contestação num mundo em mudança, tem-se ocupado da memória, relações internacionais, antropologia e ecologia de lugares que se constroem na…
Date and Time: November 30th, 2023, 3:00-4:30 PM CET
On the opening day of #COP28, we hosted a thought-provoking webinar that delved into the intricate relationship between land governance and climate resilience, a critical area of immense importance in the context of global climate challenges…
Land Portal Foundation, Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency, LANDac, Global Land Tool Network
Cartaz: CES
7 de fevereiro de 2024, 15h00 (GMT)
Evento em formato digital
Existem cerca de 117.2 milões de pessoas em situação de migração forçada ou apátridas em 2023 que fugiram da guerra, conflitos violentos ou perseguição. De acordo com a ACNUR, pessoas perseguidas pela sua identidade de género…
The African Real Estate Society (AfRES), founded in 1997, is a continent-wide organization that seeks to promote networking, research and education among property professionals and academics across Africa. The AfRES conference brings together representatives from academia and practice from the…
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Joignez-vous à nous pour un webinaire perspicace et interactif afin de découvrir les expériences des équipes de recherche au sein de l’initiative Catalyser le changement pour des systèmes alimentaires sains et durables. Apprenez des spécialistes à l’échelle internationale…
Around the world, corruption denies people access to the land and resources they need to survive. Disadvantaged people and marginalized communities are particularly vulnerable to such practices. At the same time, there is ample evidence that discrimination - direct and indirect - on grounds ranging…
Land Portal Foundation, Transparency International
23 avril, 2024
De 15h00 à 16h30, heure de CEST | de 9h00 à 10h30, heure de l'EST.
Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant
Partout dans le monde, la corruption empêche les gens d'accéder à la terre et aux ressources dont ils ont besoin pour survivre. Les personnes défavorisées et les communautés marginalisées…
Land Portal Foundation, Transparency International
23 de abril de 2024
3:00-4:30 PM CEST | 9:00-10:30 AM ESTInscreva-se agora
Em todo o mundo, a corrupção nega às pessoas o acesso à terra e aos recursos necessários para sobreviver. As pessoas menos favorecidas e as comunidades marginalizadas são particularmente vulneráveis a essas práticas. Ao…
Land Portal Foundation, Transparency International