agricultural land management
Latest News
14 January 2024
Au regard de la situation actuelle de stress hydrique, les priorités doivent changer. Il est évident que le plus urgent est d’approvisionner les citoyens en eau potable, ensuite vient l’irrigation des terres agricoles. Au Maroc, la part en eau du secteur agricole est en chute libre depuis 2021.
Movable kraals to restore degraded land, boost crop production
03 February 2023
The article tells how the farmers in Chinyika, Gutu District, heavily affected by droughts, came up with a way to improve soil fertility by herding together their cattle. The collective action to address a problem that affects them all stands out in this story.
Need to grow enough to feed ourselves
18 November 2022
Agriculture development needs a new turn, to secure national sovereignty and reduce dependency on food imports.
There are 2, 502 content items of different types and languages related to agricultural land management on the Land Portal.
Organization, use and conservation of soils adopted to cultivate, at large.