Community / Land projects / Multi-stakeholder workshop to support the inclusion of the VGGT into the land tenure reform process
Multi-stakeholder workshop to support the inclusion of the VGGT into the land tenure reform process
02/15 - 01/20
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FAO’s tenure-related work in Madagascar included the conduct of a multi-stakeholder workshop to support the inclusion of the VGGT into the land tenure reform process in the country. As a result of the workshop, held in February 2015, the VGGT have been included (and cited) in the new Land Policy Letter, which is a key political document giving orientation for the consolidation of the land tenure reform process (period 2015 – 2030). Following the workshop the letter was presented to the Minister in charge of land tenure issues (Ministère d’état en charge des Projets Présidentiels, de l’Aménagement du Territoire et de l’Equipement – MEPATE) and adopted in May 2015 by the Government.