Missed an interesting event or property rights? Find out the headlines and information about any past events or conferences.
I Encontro da Questão Agrária do Sudoeste Goiano e I Jornada Universitária em Defesa da Reforma Agrária
III Colóquio Internacional - Imaginário: Construir e Habitar a Terra - ICHT 2019
FIG Working Week 2019
FIG Working Week is an exciting week-long conference that brings the international community of surveying and spatial professionals together to discuss key challenges of our time within the surveying profession with fellow peers. With the theme
IV Conferência em Políticas Públicas, Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Territorial
IV Fórum PPGDT da UFRRJ sobre Planejamento Urbano
||| Colóquio Internacional Feminismo e Agroecologia Trabalho, Cuidados e Bens Comuns
«Deserto verde» de Davide Mazzocco
Movimentos Sociais do Campo e o Neoliberalismo na África Austral
Global Conference on Family Farming: A decade to improve the lives of family farmers
The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 on 20 December 2017 in order to improve the position of family farmers in all five (5) continents.
II Congresso Brasileiro de Organização do Espaço
III Congresso de Áreas Protegidas da América Latina e do Caribe
India's Land Information Ecosystem workshop
Availability of accurate and up to date data and information on land rights, tenures and administration as well as on different land use, such as agriculture, forestry, mining, wildlife, water, housing and infrastructure, is critical to effective land governance and crucial for planning and managing the use of land and land-based resources.