Missed an interesting event or property rights? Find out the headlines and information about any past events or conferences.
As Metrópoles e o Direito à Cidade: dilemas, desafios e esperanças
Foro Social Panamazônico. Encontros: diálogos para a afirmação de uma agenda Panamazônica
O Comitê FOSPA/Amapá, é uma Comunidade Democrática de Base e está em permanente articulação com todas e todos que estão pautando e fazendo luta e resistência na Pan-Amazônia.
Crise Ambiental e Agroecologia
O Instituto de Estudos da Ásia (IeAsia) convida a todos para a Conferência “Crise Ambiental e Agroecologia”, a ser ministrada pelo Professor Francisco Caporal, dia 22 de novembro, às 14h, no Auditório do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Política da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – 14º andar do Centro de
III URBFAVELAS Seminário Nacional de Urbanização de Favelas
O III URBFAVELAS tem como objetivo principal atualizar o debate acerca do tema urbanização de favelas, particularmente no que se refere à discussão sobre as políticas, os programas, os projetos, os processos e as formas de financiamento deste tipo de intervenção pública.
Africities 8 Summit
Africities is the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa’s flagship pan-African event that is held every three years in one of the five regions of Africa. We mobilize communities and local authorities in African countries, as well as financial institutions, civil society groups and development partners at continental and international level.
I Simpósio Nacional Geografia, Ambiente e Território: “Reterritorializar a vida: O ambiente e as lutas por direitos”
Colóquio internacional "Municipalização e gestão urbana em Moçambique"
XXIV Encontro Nacional de Geografia Agrária (ENGA): Questão agrária e práxis social
A Conferência da Terra
International Data Week 2018 (IDW 2018)
International Data Week 2018 (IDW 2018) will be held on 5-8 November 2018 in Gaborone, Botswana. Hosted by the Botswana Open Science and Open Data Forum, IDW 2018 will bring together data scientists, researchers, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers and data stewards from all disciplines and geographies across the globe.
World Cities Day
World Cities Day aims to promote the international community’s interest in global urbanization, enhance cooperation among countries and cities in meeting opportunities and addressing challenges of urbanization, and contribute to sustainable urban development. The overall World Cities Day theme is Better City, Better Life and this year’s particular theme is Building Sustainable and Resilient Cities. The main event will be celebrated in Liverpool, UK.
South African Urban Conference 2018
The 2018 Urban Conference will follow on from the 2017 event which focused specifically on communication and engaging with urban stakeholders on the content of the IUDF. At this follow up event, the aim is to further embed the IUDF agenda by focusing on what implementation means in practice. A series of sessions will focus on the themes and sub-themes and will be designed so that there are theoretical and evidence-based inputs but also space for thinking through what practical implementations of the IUDF means for the various spheres of government and in different sectors