Missed an interesting event or property rights? Find out the headlines and information about any past events or conferences.
III Congresso Internacional de Geografia Urbana
III Simpósio Regional sobre Conservação da Biodiversidade do Cerrado
Semana do Clima reúne representantes de 26 países em Salvador; veja programação
II Simpósio Nacional de Geografia da Amazônia
Advanced Webinar: Remote Sensing for Monitoring Land Degradation and Sustainable Cities SDGs
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by countries to preserve our oceans and forests, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth. The land management SDGs call for consistent tracking of land cover metrics. These metrics include productivity, land cover, soil carbon, urban expansion, and more.
LANDac Summer School 2019: Land governance for development
Large-scale acquisition of land in the global South has received a great deal of interest in the last few years. Especially following the food crisis, and stimulated by the growing demand for biofuels, pressure on land continues to increase.
LANDac Annual International Conference 2019
How to support transformations that work for people and nature?
3o Congresso Internacional Povos Indígenas da América Latina
O Congresso Internacional Povos Indígenas da América Latina (CIPIAL) reúne pesquisadores indígenas e não indígenas de diversos países e áreas do conhecimento para o intercâmbio ideias.
KOSMOS-Workshop: Post-conflict scenarios of land use in Colombia
Given the uncertainties generated after the peace agreements in Colombia, we believe that understanding and studying the most relevant transformation agents and potential socio-ecological pathways into the future is a key step to develop pro-active management strategies.
Territórios, Meio Ambiente e Direitos: A Voracidade do Capitalismo na “redução” de um País
Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2019
In 2019 the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) will focus the world’s attention on the fundamental importance of rights to address the current environmental crisis. Linking people to landscapes, the GLF will explore the essential contributions of indigenous peoples, local communities, and rural and indigenous women and youth in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement targets on climate change, highlighting the transformative role of rights and rights-based approaches in securing a more just, sustainable and prosperous future for all. Woven across the year’s events, these priorities will form the centerpiece of the annual conference in Bonn, Germany – to be held on June 22–23 alongside the intersessional climate talks – making it the world’s single largest forum on rights and sustainable landscapes.