India's Land Information Ecosystem workshop
Availability of accurate and up to date data and information on land rights, tenures and administration as well as on different land use, such as agriculture, forestry, mining, wildlife, water, housing and infrastructure, is critical to effective land governance and crucial for planning and managing the use of land and land-based resources.
LANDac Summer School 2019: Land governance for development
Large-scale acquisition of land in the global South has received a great deal of interest in the last few years. Especially following the food crisis, and stimulated by the growing demand for biofuels, pressure on land continues to increase.
LANDac Annual International Conference 2019
How to support transformations that work for people and nature?
FIG Working Week 2019
FIG Working Week is an exciting week-long conference that brings the international community of surveying and spatial professionals together to discuss key challenges of our time within the surveying profession with fellow peers. With the theme
II Seminário Governança Territorial no Brasil
"Lógicas espaciais, especificidades institucionais e políticas de desenvolvimento"
II Seminário Governança Territorial no Brasil
"Lógicas espaciais, especificidades institucionais e políticas de desenvolvimento"
III Simpósio Ibero-Afro-Americano de Riscos: “Riscos e Sociedade: Da apropriação do espaço à criação de territórios em riscos”
Colóquio internacional "Municipalização e gestão urbana em Moçambique"
High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2018 (HLPF 2018)
The meeting of the high-level political forum on sustainable development in 2018 convened under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council will be held from Monday, 9 July, to Wednesday, 18 July 2018; including the three-day ministerial meeting of the forum from Monday, 16 July, to Wednesday, 18 July 2018.
Committee on World Food Security (CFS 45)
The 45th session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS 45) will hold discussions on policy convergence on food security and nutrition in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, convene a Global Thematic Event on the Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security, and celebrate World Fo
Open Land Data and managing open data repositories workshop
Over a billion people worldwide, predominately smallholder farmers, lack secure land rights, which are crucial for obtaining loans and providing the long-term visibility necessary for planning successful agricultural operations. Open data technologies enable mapping and access to information on land rights, which in turn can lead to more protection for community and smallholder farmers.