For over 65 years, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has been protecting the rights and well-being of refugees all over the world.
We work to ensure that everybody has the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge, having fled violence, persecution, war or disaster at home.
Since 1950, we have faced multiple crises on multiple continents, and provided vital assistance to refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displacedand stateless people, many of whom have nobody left to turn to.
We help to save lives and build better futures for millions forced from home.
Displaying 1 - 5 of 20A Community-Based Practitioner’s Guide: Documenting Citizenship and Other Forms of Legal Identity
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on establishing and operating a paralegal or other community-based program to help people obtain legal identity documents. It is primarily for people designing and managing community-based paralegal projects to help clients access documentary proof of citizenship and other forms of proof of legal identity, such as birth certificates.
L’intégration d'une perspective fondée sur le genre dans les enquêtes sur les droits de l'homme : guide pratique
Cette publication est un guide pratique pour l’intégration du genre dans le travail des organes ou mécanismes d’enquête, de la phase de planification au travail d’enquête proprement dit, jusqu’à la rédaction du rapport et la présentation de ses conclusions. Elle doit être lue en conjonction avec les orientations existantes du HCDH contenues dans le document Commissions d’enquête et missions d’établissement des faits sur le droit international des droits de l’homme et le droit humanitaire international : orientations et pratiques.
Informe sobre Tierras, Viviendas y Desplazamiento Forzado en Honduras
En Honduras, con la expedición del Decreto Ejecutivo PCM-053-2013, empezó un trabajo institucional tendiente a reconocer que en el país, aún después del conflicto armado de 1907 y de 1969, persisten fenómenos de desplazamiento forzado, violencia y dinámicas de despojo de tierras, territorios y viviendas.
UNHCR: Central Area Floods Response Situation Report #5 (as of 14 Sep 2015)
Disaster overview: "The coordination team
suggests that there are three broad geographic areas.
team has conducted
field trips to
two of these ‘typical’ areas. Many houses in the areas visited are of timber construction but there are
also masonry
and semi masonry buildings.
Chin State: Mountainous
area severely affected by landslide
access issues.
whose houses
were destroyed or are now in unsafe locations
are obliged to find
temporary accommodation
Irregular maritime movements of
mixed populations that include
persons of concern to UNHCR
have been prevalent in the Asia-
Pacific region for many years, but
movements through South-East
Asia, largely originating from the
Bay of Bengal, have increased at a
particularly rapid rate following
inter-communal violence in
Myanmar in June 2012. Since
then, some 87,000 people are
estimated to have departed by
sea from the Bangladesh-
Myanmar border area.